Becoming a “Vibrational Match”

In my last post I talked about exploring a Magical Garden wherein there were fields and fields of limitless possibilities, and I encouraged you to ask your inner Divine wisdom to direct you toward the possibility blossom (or possibilities blossoms) you were guided to pluck…bring home with you, nurture and grow.  We’re talking a possibility that would be of highest value for you this year.  You then wrote a word or phrase that represented that possibility on something you can touch, see and affirm daily.  I also attached a link to an mp3 download where you could listen to the guided visualization of this process.

So, I trust you’ve done that and have put that tangible stone or paper on which you wrote your possibility in a place you can see it daily.  Perhaps on your alter so that you can affirm it to yourself regularly.   Okay, so now that you’ve identified the possibility you want to grow in your life this year, and are affirming it, what’s the next step to realizing this potential good in your experience?

The answer is to create a “vibrational match” within yourself for that good.

What is that exactly?  It becomes clearer when we realize we are all vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe.  This is not New Age woo-woo. This is science.  All life is made up of atoms and all atoms are made up of subatomic particles which, of themselves are vibrations – energy.  Everything in this universe is either energy expressed, or potential energy – the existence of something, or the potential existence of something.  And what science is beginning to understand…but New Thought has known all along…is that the whole thing is orchestrated by consciousness.

freedomWe are vibrational beings –but what’s more than that, we are conscious vibrational beings, and we have infinitely more power to determine our experience than we even know.  And understanding how consciousness and vibration works together is key to having mastery over it.

That’s what we’re exploring today.  So let’s take this idea that everything in this universe is energy — either energy expressed, or potential energy – the existence of something, or the potential existence of something.  What causes the potential existence of something to become actual form or experience?

Consciousness.  Intention.  It’s how God creates…through active conscious thought or intention.  On a universal level…whether it’s the galaxies, or this planet, or the trees outside your window, or our bodies – it’s created from Divine energy through God’s intention.  What an amazing process!

But there’s more.  Since we are the Divine in expression – God expressing Itself in this time and space, we are one with the creative nature of God.  And our dynamic thoughts, our intentions, have the power to bring potential energy into existence.  We have the power to shift energy from a possibility to a reality.  It’s how the Divine works through and as us.

Ernest Holmes said, “The world is saturated with Divinity, immersed in Reality, and filled with Possibility.  We must take this Divine Possibility and mold it into a present actuality in everyday experience.  This is the way to freedom, the pathway to peace and happiness.”

Now, of course most people are unaware of their power and so use this power unconsciously.  Even those of us who do know it, forget, and go unconsciousness occasionally.  So rather than taking the Divine Possibility and molding it into a present actuality in our experience, we just keep recreating yesterday’s limitation…yesterday’s lack of wellbeing…whatever we focus on in world of effects, and/or whatever we worry about.

And when we do this, we are holding ourselves apart from the possibility we say we want.  We are, in fact, blocking the good that would otherwise naturally blossom in our lives.  We are actually stopping the process.  We do this all the time without thinking… unconsciously.

For example, say you’re someone who feels unlucky in love.  You just somehow believe you will never connect with your soul-mate.  Every time you see a happy couple together, you might feel sadness in your heart, and think, “Why can’t I have this good?  Or, “Oh that’s something I’ll never have.”  It’s unconscious of course. You complain to your friends.  Being lonely begins to feel normal and natural for you.  You might even dread every Valentine’s Day.  I had a roommate once who, on every Valentines Days she would take 2 valium and go to bed at 7pm. She just didn’t want to experience the pain. And she was young, and attractive.  It’s like she had written herself off before her life even began.

So over time, when we do this kind of thing…what we’re doing is including in our vibration a sense of not having what we truly want.  What that does is block the possibility from appearing. We are erecting a large wall that separate what we say we want and the actual experience of having it.

Another example is the experience of abundance.  I know this one well because I’ve been on both sides of this issue – I’ve been really poor, and I’ve been wealthy.  And they are very different energies, believe me!

When you’re poor you are literally vibrating with “not-enoughness”.  Every time you think about an expense, or having to pay for something, or having to buy something, it’s as if your energy is depleting.  The energy just drains out of you.  You look at things and think “I could never afford that.”  You get to a place where you won’t even allow yourself to think about nice things, or vacations, or attending special events because it only makes you feel bad.  And so we block the possibility of abundant living.

And all the while we had the power to return to Kansas…All the while we had the possibility of abundance or love, or peace, or wellbeing, or Divine Guidance, or whatever is wanting to grow in our lives, waiting for us.

But now that we know this, we can use our power consciously and shift our vibrational energy to include the possibilities we want to manifest.  That’s the subject of a teleclass I’ve set up to take you through the experience.  This can’t be written in a blog, it must be experienced.  This call is absolutely free. And if you can’t make the day and time, I will send you a recording so you can listen to it on your time.  But you need to register.

Register for the free teleclass here:

See you there!

Gratitude and the Gap

Mind the GapIf you’ve ever been in England you’ve seen this expression “Mind the Gap” posted in the underground stations, to alert you to pay attention to the space between the platform and the train. It’s a valid warning, you don’t want to get your foot stuck in the space between, or drop anything down in there…you’ll never see it again.

In Eastern thought, though, the gap is a much desired place to be.  The gap is the space between your thoughts…usually referring to the practice of meditation.  Mystics and yogi’s recognize that no one can simply stop their thoughts, or “will themselves” to quiet their mind.  What we can do though is to widen the distance between our thoughts and cultivate an awareness of that space — to be mindful of the gap and to encourage it.  When we do this, we are rewarded with peace of mind and increasing our ability to hear the voice of the Divine within us, among other things.  The gap is the golden place, where transformation occurs.

The gap that I am thinking about today is also something to be mindful of – and it has the potential of being a golden, transformational time.  It’s a the place we sometimes find ourselves in that’s between no longer accepting an old way of perceiving ourselves and the world — and not yet experiencing the fullness of what we now know to be true.

It’s that place between “no longer” and “not yet”.

For example:  Maybe you no longer accept the idea that you are a victim of circumstance.  Maybe you used to believe that outside circumstances or situations controlled your experience in life.  Perhaps you used to accept that your employment was dependent on a specific company or individual.  Or that your experience of prosperity was determined by your employer.  Maybe you once believed that your ability to love was dependent on another person.   Or that your body is subject to the diseases of old age.  Whenever we have repeated experiences in our lives or an ongoing challenge, we know it is a direct result of what we believe to be true about ourselves.  It’s first a thought… which if continued, becomes a belief, which then becomes our experience.  This is the Law of Cause and Effect, or the Law of Attraction, or the Law of Manifestation.  Whatever you want to call it, it’s exacting.

Anyway, your old ideas about your limited self are now in the past.  You no longer accept that nonsense.  You know that you are a powerful co-creator in life and all that you have ever needed is within you.  You know that the Source of all your good is the Infinite, limitless, unbounded.  This is the Source of all…which created you out of Itself. You are an expression of It, therefore you are already whole and complete, abundant, love-filled, joyous, fulfilled and all of your needs are met now.  You know this in your heart of hearts.  However, you are not yet experiencing that truth in your life.    You are in the gap.

So, what is the “gap” and why is it that we don’t manifest our new consciousness immediately in our lives?  Why do we have to be in a “gap?”

Well first of all, it’s a good thing that ideas in our consciousness do NOT manifest immediately. Think about it.  Think about all the fearful fantasies you have had.  The nightmare scenarios you have imagined for yourself such as, “That bump on my skin is cancer, I know it!” or if you have kids and you temporarily can’t find them, you think, “They’ve been kidnapped!” or perhaps your fearful thoughts about the world, “We’re all gonna die in a nuclear blast!” etc.  Thank God there is a time gap between the thoughts we hold in our minds and what actually manifests — so that we can review it all and make sure that’s what we really want to create.  Most the time we come to our senses and remind ourselves that ultimately, all is well.

So, the buffer zone of the gap gives us a chance to re-examine our beliefs.

Secondly there is the natural order of growth from the formless to the form in this dense, physical universe.  Ernest Holmes once wrote:  “The Truth is instantaneous in its demonstration, taking only such time in Its unfoldment as is inherent in the law of logical and sequential evolution.”

So, then the question becomes:  “Well, what do I do while in the gap?  Is there anything beneficial I can do?”  And, that’s a good question! It’s actually vital.  Because many of us, when we don’t realize we’re in the gap…when we don’t see an immediate response to our prayers, or to our new consciousness…we think that it doesn’t work, and we begin to doubt and fall back into our fears and our negative thinking patterns.  And that just negates the new awareness we’d developed.  It’s like taking one step forward and one step back. Ever have that experience?

So, we want to nurture the environment of the gap while we are in it in order to allow for our new consciousness to emerge from that fertile time.  And we can do that best by practicing proactive gratitude. Here’s what I mean…

You know when you plant seeds in the soil, it takes some time before you see anything happen.  From the surface it looks like nothing is happening.  But, under the surface, a tremendous amount of energy is being expended to release the hidden potential within that seed, to push through the hard shell and then through the soil. That’s the gap experience.   If we water the soil where the seeds are planted we will create a nourishing environment for the seeds to grow.  That’s what gratitude does – it nurtures the environment in the gap that allows for your new consciousness to emerge into experience.

So, looking for things to be grateful for and focusing on those things, and celebrating those things, creates the energetic current that allows for the manifestation.  This is an important, golden time where you want to reaffirm the realizations you have come to regarding your limitless nature and your worthiness of all the good you can imagine for yourself.  You want to water that soil with as much positivity and affirmation as you can.  Practicing proactive gratitude does that.  It gets you to a place where you realize, “yeah…there is a lot of good in my life – look at all this good!  Look at that beautiful sunrise. Look at the abundance all around me.  I’m so grateful for my health…for the things that do work well in my body.  I’m so grateful for my wonderful, supportive friends, and my spiritual community that nurtures and supports my growing awareness.  God must love me…the universe must indeed be for me!”  So you get to a place where an abundance of good just feels natural to you.  And when that happens, the manifestation of your new consciousness is immanent.  It’s a heartbeat away.

Secondly, a very important thing we want to do while in the gap is to surround ourselves with positive people…life-affirming folks who are themselves on a path of spiritual growth.  This is a sensitive time.  We can so easily be influenced by others’ energetic vibrations during this time.  So negative, doubt-filled people are not the ones we want to be hangin’ with when we’re in the gap.  We want to surround ourselves with only those who will affirm our growing awareness with us and can help us see the good that’s in process of manifesting.

So practice proactive gratitude daily, choose who you hang with carefully and remember that this is a fertile time. If you tend to it wisely, you will reap the rich harvest of your new expanded awareness.

Be mindful while in the gap!

Living an Expansive Life

Growth is an essential and integral part of life. We live in a universe that is continually expanding.  Everything in the Universe and on the planet is continually growing.  Seeds become plants.  Plants grow, flower, come to fruition and before their life cycle is over, produce seed for the next generation of plants.

And because we are created out of this same life force, we are continually growing and expanding – at least that is our nature, it’s what we’re coded for – to continually grow and expand.

Of course, we are unique from the rest of creation…as the “Divine-beings-in-a-human-incarnation” that we are…we have this beautiful thing called free will, and, even though it is our nature to grow and expand, we sometimes we get stuck and choose, consciously, or unconsciously not to grow.

And here’s how we get stuck:  growing and expanding requires that we break out of the box we’re in – and that requires breaking out of our comfort zone.  We, as members of the human race, like predictability and…we like comfort.

We all have our little boxes that we get stuck in.  Sometimes it about physical comfort, but mostly it’s mental and emotional comfort — what we’ve become accustomed to…ingrained beliefs…what we believe our “place in live” is.  For example, some are stuck in the box that says “I’m middle class.  My parents were middle class. I don’t even know what it would be like to have a limitless amount of money or phenomenal success.” Or the box that says, “My business always stays at a certain level, I just can’t get beyond that level.” Or the box that says, “This is just how my marriage is.  My spouse and I don’t communicate anymore.  Nothing changes.”

We get stuck in these patterns and our lives become defined by them.  The good news is that the Universe has a way of challenging our stuckness.   The writer and artist, Anais Nin one wrote: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Seeds must break out of their shells to live as nature intended them.  Baby chicks must break out of their comfortable little shells if they would live.

Breaking out of our box is a lot like the baby chick’s journey as it breaks out of its shell.  Like the chick, protected yet cramped, inside its shell, we don’t know the magnificent world that is waiting for us on the other side….but we can begin catching a glimpse of it through the process of visioning.  And once we do, like the chick who hears the peeps of her little brothers and sisters, it will give us the strength we need to pull away the fears, doubts, and unbelief that will try and get in our way when we begin to break out of our self-imposed confinement.

Tomorrow I will write about how we can successful silence the voice of our fears and self-doubts and finally break out of the box we may be stuck in.

Recognizing the Power of Gratitude

Have you ever looked back on your life and noticed that your practice of gratitude (however it was developed at the time) actually transformed something in your life, or directly attracted more of that for which you were grateful?

Have you ever noticed there is more harmony in a certain area of your life, or an abundance of something you’ve always found it easy to be grateful for?

Take a moment today to look back and see if you can discover the miraculous power of gratitude at work in your life.

For example, this morning I was sitting in my covered patio looking out and appreciating my backyard.  My yard literally backs up to a lush forest filled with birds, squirrels, deer, butterflies and other wildlife.  I began to think about how much I appreciate…and have always appreciated…being surrounded by nature and having a lovely backyard. I remembered my first backyard when my fiance and I rented a house together for the first time.

As a single adult, I had always lived in an apartment. Even as a child we always lived in an apartment. So my first house with a backyard was a huge treat!  We were living in one of those little 40’s bungalow-style houses in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles with a postage stamp backyard, but I absolutely adored every square inch of it.  There were trees along the fence that gave us privacy.  There was even an apricot tree that I enjoyed watching bloom and come to fruition. I would try to pick the fruit before the squirrels got to them (I think I managed to salvage about 1/3 of  the apricots) and share it at the office. I even canned them one year in brandy and gave them as Christmas presents (the apricots, not the squirels ;-))

We also bought a hammock at one point and oh, how I loved lying in it and staring up at the sky, watching the clouds float past.  The backyard also allowed us the opportunity of having our first dog.  And boy, did she enjoy that backyard!  She would run around and around in circles until she pooped out.  I even grew tomatoes for the first time in my life.  All the while, I was grateful for every aspect of having a backyard.

Universal law states that we attract to ourselves more of that for which we are grateful, right? Well, it was certainly proven in this case.  Each successive house we lived in after that little one had a more expansive and verdant backyard.  This is our third, and by far the most amazing.  It simply just occurred that the houses that were available for sale, and in our price range, happened to have an amazing backyard.  Coincidence? I don’t think so.  It is, in fact, the natural outcome of the practice of proactive gratitude.

I have also noticed a common theme on our Gratitude Experiment community on Facebook .  And that is, that many people are grateful for their friends.  And it seems the more grateful they are for them the more and more amazing friends seem to come into their lives.  This is true for every area of our lives where we find it easy to be grateful.  And the areas we find difficult to be grateful for are usually the areas that are more challenging and limited. (I will address that aspect, and how to transform that experience in a future blog.  Stay tuned.)

So now it’s your turn.  Look at the area or areas of your life where you have historically found it easy to be grateful.  Have you noticed this part of your life expanding, multiplying, or attracting more good?  

Looking forward to reading about your experience!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 69

In a recent talk, Agape’s Rev. Michael Beckwith expressed the concept of letting go of what no longer serves us.  In this regard, he was observing that many of us have “pet peeves” which are actually more harmful than you think, and it might be time to to let go them. 

He said that many of us actually “love to hate something.”  That we get some sort of satisfaction and thrill out of our pet peeves that becomes almost an addictive “high” when we engage in them.  Therefore people with pet peeves tend to engage in thinking about them A LOT and even expecting that which they hate to occur.  “You see, I told you she would do that…ohhhh, that really gets my goat.  I hate that when she does that.”  Etc., etc. 

He followed this by expressing the idea that “the Universe doesn’t know the difference between what you love and what you hate, it only knows what you’re interested in.”  A statement often restated in one way or another by many New Thought/ancient wisdom leaders…because it is so true.

The Universe only knows what’s got your attention and what you’re emotionally caught up in.  The Universe “reads” the tone of your vibration and reflects back into your world more of the same.  This is why it may seem as if you are revisiting the same painful experience over and over again.  This is why complaining can have such a negative impact on our lives.

As practitioners of proactive gratitude, we can use this wisdom to remind us that when we are engaged in noticing and celebrating and documenting those things for which we are grateful, we are actively engaging in what we love.  We are actively vibrating with the energy of love, which the Universe “hears” and reflects back to us. 

So lets spend more time getting “emotionally caught up” in the energy of what is so wonderful about our lives. Let’s be really interested in the good that is all around us and the best in people.  Let’s allow ourselves to really enjoy the good and vibrate with the energy of love.  And then, let’s notice how, day by day, there is more and more to be thankful for.


I am grateful that my children made it through their overnight camp successfully without even one call home.

I am grateful for the lush, lavish abundance reflected in the trillions of leaves on the millions of trees all around me.

I am grateful for the successful financial negotiations which are almost now complete.

I am grateful for the new skin product that miraculously cleared up my irritated skin.

I am grateful for the support and camaraderie of my “moms night out” group of fabulous women.

I am grateful for being introduced to an accupunturist and the miraculous work it is doing.  I feel great!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 51

I remember hearing a few years ago a sermon that Rev. Michael Beckwith gave at Agape where he said, “You are to be grateful for everything in your life…not just the good stuff…but EVERYTHING.”   When I first heard that I thought, he must be speaking metaphorically or something. Because, how could we be grateful for illness, relationship trouble, failure, lack, etc.?   No, he really meant everything. 

Well, we know that sometimes the most amazing blessings come to us out of the most challenging experiences.  At the very least, we’ve learned a lesson. We’ll never make that mistake again, right?  We can also learn more about forgiveness.  We can learn to forgive ourselves, our family and our friends.  What a blessing that is. Forgiveness frees us.

But there is a deeper level on which we can take this message.  Beckwith went on to say that, “when we are grateful for everything, we are literally lifting our vibration…lifting it out of the realm of dense, physical form…out of the realm of ‘effect’ and into the the vibration of ’cause’.”  

Okay, if we accept that everything is energy, and all things vibrate at a certain vibration…and that like vibration attracts that which is like itself, then this begins to make sense.  In other words, if I am focusing on how bad my current experience is, this causes me to feel pretty bad about myself, other people, and life in general.  I am now vibrating at a level that will…if I don’t change it…attract more challenging experiences to me.

But, how do I change it?   I can begin to change my vibration by shifting my perception.   I can shift my perception to a place where I understand that these challenging circumstances and experiences are, in fact, “effects” in my life.  It’s not who I am. Who I am is far greater than the experiences and circumstances of my life.  I am an expression of Life itself.  When I focus on this…I can be thankful for my life. When I am thankful for my life, I begin to feel better about myself and about life in general. 

When I feel better about these my life, my mind becomes clearer. I can begin to see solutions to certain challenges. I begin to get ideas about how I can change things.  I can also feel more compassion for myself and others.  I can love myself more.  All of this lifts my vibration into the realm of “cause” from which my experience flows.  And the experiences that flow from this vibration are blessed indeed.

What do you think?  Do you think it’s possible to be grateful for everything?  Can you honestly be grateful for everything? Share your thoughts by commenting here.


Today I am grateful for the experiences in my life that have led me to this point…I am open and available to Spirit to move through me.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 44

How blessed I feel to have found the practice of proactive gratitude in my life. I know that at any moment, I can turn my attitude around. I can turn my day around. I am not  a victim of circumstance or conditions.  Whatever life presents, I have the choice of discovering…of uncovering…the blessings in any situation.  Then, suddenly I’m filled with joy. I feel blessed and loved by the Divine.  Suddenly I’m lifted out of the muck and mire of human experience and transported to a magical place of miracles.   A miracle, not only that I have found and experience joy and abundance in the midst of a challenge, but also that I am now attracting more of the joy and abundance in my life. I am on the vibrational frequency of joy and abundance…and that’s what I am attracting more of. 

The same is true for each one of us. At any moment, you have the choice to choose what you will experience.  I hope you’ll choose to discover…to uncover…the blessing in every experience.  Then, you will never be a victim again. That’s true freedom.


I am grateful for such a fabulous day…sun shining, cool, moist and sparkling.

I am so grateful for the wonderful dinner with friends…people  who enthusiastically enjoy life!

I am grateful for really good bluegrass music…live.

I am grateful my daughter showed signs of maturity today…handling disappointment with grace as she cheered on others who took the prize. Hurray for her!

I am grateful for that tree today, that is feeling it’s innate “spring-ness” and despite the fact that we have another month of winter, at least, is beginning to bud.  What trust.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 27

Another end-of-the-year activity I look forward to is the list of 100 things to be grateful for that year. In addition to the 100 things to be grateful for is a list of 100 things for which I acknowledge myself during the year….those things I accomplished when it wasn’t easy, fears I’ve overcome and places where I grew…even just a little, this year. This exercise was given to me by my dear friend, life coach, Rhonda Britten (way back before she was famous.) It proved to be a very powerful tool for self-acceptance and living in the energy of gratitude. It closes out the year on an energetic upswing, helps me own my power and sets me up to create a fabulous new year.

I recomend it highly.  So get out your notebook or yellow legal tablet and just start it.  It may seem overwhelming at first, but just start with one…then another one will come…then another.  It doesn’t have to be huge, monumental things.  The small blessings are just as important.  It’s when we acknowledge our blessings in this way that we begin to see how amazing our life really is and how fabulous we really are. And when we do that, we cannot help but attract even more.

My Gratitudes for today…

I am grateful that my kids love the winter break camp they’re in and both are getting to experience how joyful it can be to help kids who are younger or have special needs. It warms my heart.

I am grateful for the conversation with my husband and his understanding and support of me.

I am grateful that everything is falling into place in a perfectly synchronistic way.

I am grateful.

How The Gratitude Experiment Works

WaterfallWelcome to The Gratitude Experiment!  We are out to prove the theory that recognizing and documenting 1 to 5 things for which we are grateful…daily…will transform our lives — massively attracting more good into our daily experience.

Here’s all you need to do.  Come to the site daily (bookmark us for easy access), look at the daily post (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) and click on the “Comment” button.  Post your list of gratitudes there in the comment section.  You can read others there as well.

You can begin at any time, any day.  Just begin it…and watch what unfolds in your life!