Gratitude Experiment: Day 69

In a recent talk, Agape’s Rev. Michael Beckwith expressed the concept of letting go of what no longer serves us.  In this regard, he was observing that many of us have “pet peeves” which are actually more harmful than you think, and it might be time to to let go them. 

He said that many of us actually “love to hate something.”  That we get some sort of satisfaction and thrill out of our pet peeves that becomes almost an addictive “high” when we engage in them.  Therefore people with pet peeves tend to engage in thinking about them A LOT and even expecting that which they hate to occur.  “You see, I told you she would do that…ohhhh, that really gets my goat.  I hate that when she does that.”  Etc., etc. 

He followed this by expressing the idea that “the Universe doesn’t know the difference between what you love and what you hate, it only knows what you’re interested in.”  A statement often restated in one way or another by many New Thought/ancient wisdom leaders…because it is so true.

The Universe only knows what’s got your attention and what you’re emotionally caught up in.  The Universe “reads” the tone of your vibration and reflects back into your world more of the same.  This is why it may seem as if you are revisiting the same painful experience over and over again.  This is why complaining can have such a negative impact on our lives.

As practitioners of proactive gratitude, we can use this wisdom to remind us that when we are engaged in noticing and celebrating and documenting those things for which we are grateful, we are actively engaging in what we love.  We are actively vibrating with the energy of love, which the Universe “hears” and reflects back to us. 

So lets spend more time getting “emotionally caught up” in the energy of what is so wonderful about our lives. Let’s be really interested in the good that is all around us and the best in people.  Let’s allow ourselves to really enjoy the good and vibrate with the energy of love.  And then, let’s notice how, day by day, there is more and more to be thankful for.


I am grateful that my children made it through their overnight camp successfully without even one call home.

I am grateful for the lush, lavish abundance reflected in the trillions of leaves on the millions of trees all around me.

I am grateful for the successful financial negotiations which are almost now complete.

I am grateful for the new skin product that miraculously cleared up my irritated skin.

I am grateful for the support and camaraderie of my “moms night out” group of fabulous women.

I am grateful for being introduced to an accupunturist and the miraculous work it is doing.  I feel great!