Becoming a “Vibrational Match”

In my last post I talked about exploring a Magical Garden wherein there were fields and fields of limitless possibilities, and I encouraged you to ask your inner Divine wisdom to direct you toward the possibility blossom (or possibilities blossoms) you were guided to pluck…bring home with you, nurture and grow.  We’re talking a possibility that would be of highest value for you this year.  You then wrote a word or phrase that represented that possibility on something you can touch, see and affirm daily.  I also attached a link to an mp3 download where you could listen to the guided visualization of this process.

So, I trust you’ve done that and have put that tangible stone or paper on which you wrote your possibility in a place you can see it daily.  Perhaps on your alter so that you can affirm it to yourself regularly.   Okay, so now that you’ve identified the possibility you want to grow in your life this year, and are affirming it, what’s the next step to realizing this potential good in your experience?

The answer is to create a “vibrational match” within yourself for that good.

What is that exactly?  It becomes clearer when we realize we are all vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe.  This is not New Age woo-woo. This is science.  All life is made up of atoms and all atoms are made up of subatomic particles which, of themselves are vibrations – energy.  Everything in this universe is either energy expressed, or potential energy – the existence of something, or the potential existence of something.  And what science is beginning to understand…but New Thought has known all along…is that the whole thing is orchestrated by consciousness.

freedomWe are vibrational beings –but what’s more than that, we are conscious vibrational beings, and we have infinitely more power to determine our experience than we even know.  And understanding how consciousness and vibration works together is key to having mastery over it.

That’s what we’re exploring today.  So let’s take this idea that everything in this universe is energy — either energy expressed, or potential energy – the existence of something, or the potential existence of something.  What causes the potential existence of something to become actual form or experience?

Consciousness.  Intention.  It’s how God creates…through active conscious thought or intention.  On a universal level…whether it’s the galaxies, or this planet, or the trees outside your window, or our bodies – it’s created from Divine energy through God’s intention.  What an amazing process!

But there’s more.  Since we are the Divine in expression – God expressing Itself in this time and space, we are one with the creative nature of God.  And our dynamic thoughts, our intentions, have the power to bring potential energy into existence.  We have the power to shift energy from a possibility to a reality.  It’s how the Divine works through and as us.

Ernest Holmes said, “The world is saturated with Divinity, immersed in Reality, and filled with Possibility.  We must take this Divine Possibility and mold it into a present actuality in everyday experience.  This is the way to freedom, the pathway to peace and happiness.”

Now, of course most people are unaware of their power and so use this power unconsciously.  Even those of us who do know it, forget, and go unconsciousness occasionally.  So rather than taking the Divine Possibility and molding it into a present actuality in our experience, we just keep recreating yesterday’s limitation…yesterday’s lack of wellbeing…whatever we focus on in world of effects, and/or whatever we worry about.

And when we do this, we are holding ourselves apart from the possibility we say we want.  We are, in fact, blocking the good that would otherwise naturally blossom in our lives.  We are actually stopping the process.  We do this all the time without thinking… unconsciously.

For example, say you’re someone who feels unlucky in love.  You just somehow believe you will never connect with your soul-mate.  Every time you see a happy couple together, you might feel sadness in your heart, and think, “Why can’t I have this good?  Or, “Oh that’s something I’ll never have.”  It’s unconscious of course. You complain to your friends.  Being lonely begins to feel normal and natural for you.  You might even dread every Valentine’s Day.  I had a roommate once who, on every Valentines Days she would take 2 valium and go to bed at 7pm. She just didn’t want to experience the pain. And she was young, and attractive.  It’s like she had written herself off before her life even began.

So over time, when we do this kind of thing…what we’re doing is including in our vibration a sense of not having what we truly want.  What that does is block the possibility from appearing. We are erecting a large wall that separate what we say we want and the actual experience of having it.

Another example is the experience of abundance.  I know this one well because I’ve been on both sides of this issue – I’ve been really poor, and I’ve been wealthy.  And they are very different energies, believe me!

When you’re poor you are literally vibrating with “not-enoughness”.  Every time you think about an expense, or having to pay for something, or having to buy something, it’s as if your energy is depleting.  The energy just drains out of you.  You look at things and think “I could never afford that.”  You get to a place where you won’t even allow yourself to think about nice things, or vacations, or attending special events because it only makes you feel bad.  And so we block the possibility of abundant living.

And all the while we had the power to return to Kansas…All the while we had the possibility of abundance or love, or peace, or wellbeing, or Divine Guidance, or whatever is wanting to grow in our lives, waiting for us.

But now that we know this, we can use our power consciously and shift our vibrational energy to include the possibilities we want to manifest.  That’s the subject of a teleclass I’ve set up to take you through the experience.  This can’t be written in a blog, it must be experienced.  This call is absolutely free. And if you can’t make the day and time, I will send you a recording so you can listen to it on your time.  But you need to register.

Register for the free teleclass here:

See you there!

This Year Embrace the Limitless Possibilities

Happy New Year!  2015…a brand new year and a brand new opportunity to create new goals, new behaviors, new beliefs, new ways of being that not only work better for us, but are transformational for ourselves and for the world.

Now, perhaps you’ve heard the awful statistic that over 92% of New Year’s Resolutions fail within the first two months.  So I wouldn’t even recommend setting them.  I would, however, recommend something that goes deeper…something that actually does work, and in a more profound way and lasting way.  And that is…to first explore the limitless possibilities that are available to you.  Explore what is possible for you this year – and then out of that field of limitless possibilities, ask your Divine Wisdom to guide you in selecting which of those possibilities are calling you to set an intention around.  Then, embrace that intention (or intentions) with the fullness of your being….really embody it…which will create a vibrational match within yourself, activating that possibility.  Only after doing those things first, would you then create a “plan of action” to bring it into the world.

So how about we start that process together today.  Since this is the beginning of the year, it seems like a good time, right?  We have before us the ultimate chance to hit the reset button on our lives, right now!

In my guided visualization (which is your free gift right now – see box below) I first explain about this field of limitless possibilities that we are all immersed in and how to access it, allowing the wisdom within us to guide us to which possibility, or possibilities, are right for us to awaken to in our lives right now.  So carve of 15 minutes to sit back, relax and allow the process to work for you!  Oh, and you might want to find a flat rock, or small tile on which to write the word or phrase that will come up for you.  This will serve as a literal “touchstone” that vibrationally aligns you with the good that is trying to manifest into your life.

After listening and creating your “touchstone” come back here and share your experience with us.


Gratitude and Goal Achievement

How does the practice of proactive gratitude help us achieve our goals and realize our intentions? The answer is indirectly, yet most definitely.

When we set our intention to achieve a specific goal or manifest some good in our life, whether that’s finding our perfect work, making a specific amount of money or simply being more loving, the practice of proactive gratitude is essential to our success.

We know that practicing gratitude helps us more fully enjoy our life as it is right now. It encourages us to want what we have. And that is the beauty of gratitude. Being fully present in our lives and enjoying the “now moment” is true living.  At the same time, the practice of gratitude also empowers us to realize our full potential – to expand our experience of good.  Nothing in life is stagnant.  It is the nature of the universe to expand and be more fully realized.

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but yet so true, that if we are always dissatisfied with our life as it is, it makes it more difficult to move forward into a greater experience of good. Most people think dissatisfaction with their current circumstances is the motivation required to achieve something greater. But that’s not true, and here’s why…

When you are dissatisfied with something in your life, you are actively resisting what is. When you actively resist what is, your energy repels the good that is trying to get to you. Your focus is one pointed…toward what you don’t want…and you often miss opportunities that may be right in front of you. People, situations and events that could easily help you get closer to realizing your dreams, go unnoticed.

Being grateful for all that we have helps us remember how blessed we are. When we feel blessed, it is easier to accept that, in this ever expanding universe, there is more and more good just waiting for us, and more importantly…we feel worthy of it. This changes our energy into one of attracting more good, rather than repelling it. We begin to see opportunities and situations that could propel us closer to our goal. As we continue to practice daily proactive gratitude, synchronistic events begin to happen on a regular basis.  A way is made clear for us.

Something happened the other day that brought this into focus for me. I’ve been practicing proactive gratitude for almost a year now and have noticed my energy begin to shift. About two months ago I came up with an idea for a new collectible toy for tweens (with the help of my 11-year-old twins, naturally). I set my intention to develop the idea, create a prototype and license it to a major toy manufacturer to produce. For the last couple of weeks I’ve wondered how in the world I would ever even get in the door of any toy manufacturer. I know no one in that world. I’m not even sure how to proceed past writing a proposal and creating a prototype.  However, throughout the process I have remained in gratitude for 1) the idea, 2) the time to pursue the idea, 3) my kids, 4) the continuing inspiration and passion, 5) the encouragement of others and 6) all the synchronistic events that keep occurring, like this one…

The other day I felt compelled to completely clean out my office and reorganize everything. There were piles of paperwork, an overflowing bookcase and stacks of Lord knows what everywhere.  As I was relocated some of the books from the overflowing bookcase I noticed a big book that I have never seen before. I don’t even know how it got there.  I picked it up and read the title: The Toy and Game Inventor’s Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Pitch, License and Cash-In on Your Ideas. Bingo! It is exactly what it says in the title, including contact information for 50 toy manufacturers and how to approach them. I never would have noticed it if I wasn’t compelled to reorganize my office (which, let me be honest, is not a common occurrance.)

I know that if I continue to remain in gratitude around this project, everything will fall into place just as it should for the realization of this big dream.  I know it because it’s happened before. It seems  that every good thing that’s manifested in my life was accompanied by a state of gratitude.

Prove it to yourself.  If there is a big goal in your life, some greater good you wish to realize, try this…

1.  Be grateful for where you are right now. Think of as many things as possible that are now, or could potentially be, a blessing in your life. 

2. Practice gratitude around your intention or goal.  From the idea, to the inspiration, to the energy you have, to your abilities, to the resources available to you, to your friends and associates who could assist you in some way.  Practice being grateful for these things, and more, on a daily basis.

3. Look for the synchronistic events that occur.  Acknowledge any and all steps forward toward your goal and celebrate them!

Let me know how it goes for you.

Many blessings!

How The Gratitude Experiment Works

WaterfallWelcome to The Gratitude Experiment!  We are out to prove the theory that recognizing and documenting 1 to 5 things for which we are grateful…daily…will transform our lives — massively attracting more good into our daily experience.

Here’s all you need to do.  Come to the site daily (bookmark us for easy access), look at the daily post (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) and click on the “Comment” button.  Post your list of gratitudes there in the comment section.  You can read others there as well.

You can begin at any time, any day.  Just begin it…and watch what unfolds in your life!

Reclaiming Your Authentic Self, Part 1

Has this ever happened to you?

You set a goal to achieve something worthwhile, or you make a commitment to your spiritual practice, or to express your highest potential in some wonderful way, and then…

Suddenly, or incrementally, you notice you’re losing momentum. You begin to get distracted, other life demands get in the way. Or, an obstacle comes into your path that appears insurmountable. Or, fear creeps up and you begin to doubt yourself and your ability (“What was I thinking?”)

It’s a common experience. What is actually happening is that the “shadow self” has slipped into your consciousness and begins to work hard to sabotage your success.

What is the shadow self and how can we be free of its influence in our lives?
The answer is…by reclaiming our Authentic Self. In this post, I will be explaining what the shadow self is and how it works. Then, over the course of the next few days, I will reveal, step-by-step how to reclaim your Authentic self so that you may more easily achieve your goals and ultimately express your highest potential.

As expressions of the Infinite, it is natural for us to be loving, joyous, happy, fulfilled, peaceful, successful, abundant and perfect. So why doesn’t that seem to be our everyday experience? Two passages from the Bible may give us a clue.

“And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
—Genesis 1:26
“God hath made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions.” —Eccl. 7:29

Though stated in Biblical terms, the first statement is scientifically accurate. If there is one Universal Intelligence from which all creation originates, then we cannot possibly be created as anything other than in Its “image and likeness.” And if the qualities of this Universal Intelligence are love, joy, peace, harmony, abundance and perfection, then we must be also.

Therefore, in truth, we are all individualized expressions of pure love, pure joy, complete happiness, limitless peace, harmony, exquisite beauty, magnificence, absolute perfection and unbounded prosperity. This is how we were created and what we are in Truth. Let’s call this our “authentic self.”

Now, here’s the variable: we are given an important gift at inception, and that is freedom of choice. We have the choice to agree with the inherent truth of our being and live our lives from that awareness, or we have the choice to disregard it, ignore it, and push it away. Emerson stated: “…we but half express ourselves and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents.”

Mostly, though, it’s not such a conscious choice. Since most of us are born into families that have forgotten they are the self-expression of the Infinite, they unknowingly pass this misinformation on to us when we are children. We grow up believing that we are separate from our Source, separate from the Love-Intelligence which created us, and inherently inadequate. When we disregard the truth that we are beings created “in the image and likeness” we, by default, “re-create” or “re-invent” ourselves in another image…a distorted image.

We are, in essence, asleep to our inherent magnificence and have “invented” a counterfeit self to replace our authentic self. I call this counterfeit self the “shadow self.” Some refer to it as the ego, the egoic mind, the false self, or the fearful self. It’s all the same thing.

The shadow self was born from a belief that we are separate from our Source, separate from our good and separate from each other. The shadow self incorporates a belief structure which includes the assumption that we are mostly powerless, subject to the winds of fate, a victim of circumstance, alone, afraid and in need of something or someone to make us feel better.

Generation after generation has erroneously assumed that this false self is true human nature. We tend to accept, without question, that the shadow self is who we are for two reasons: a) it is what we were taught from the moment we were born, and b) society constantly reinforces this assumption. This is not the Truth of us, but we believe it is (and therefore, it will be our experience) because until we discover otherwise, it’s all we know.

For most of us, this “shadow self” has become our dominant self today, and our authentic self is only hinted at from time to time. We may catch a glimpse of it when we fall in love with someone, when we witness pure beauty in nature, when we’re in meditation, when we are in selfless service, or during moment of peak experience in work or play.

It can be said that the shadow self has served humankind by allowing us to safely maneuver our way through the confused world which we’ve invented. But the price of “keeping us safe” is that we stay small and never risk expressing our highest potential.

It is time to break free and spread our wings! It is time to awaken from the spell of the shadow self which is killing our dreams and keeping of small.

One thing is for sure…the potential to express our authentic self remains within us at every moment and each of us enters this incarnation with the longing to wake from the ego dream and once again live in the full awareness of our True self.

In the next several days, I will be continuing this discussion of the shadow self and authentic self and post step-by-step processes for reclaiming our authentic self, thereby expressing our highest potential.

A Lesson in Manifestation from Nature

Like most Southern California natives, I thought I knew what spring was. It’s when the leaves come back on those few deciduous trees, and it starts to get hot again around February. Ha! I had no idea. I had no clue! Have you ever experience a friend describing events in detail, but you can’t really picture it until you experience it first hand? Well, when I moved to the cold Northeast this last winter (shivering and wondering why there were so many dead trees everywhere) people kept telling me to “Hold on, the spring here is magnificent!”

Okay, now I get it. I’ve never really experienced a real spring before. What a fabulous season! The variety of blossoms and the sweet aroma in the air is indescribable. Everywhere I look, I’m amazed at Mother Nature’s color palette: pale pinks, bright pinks, lavender, yellows and white mixed with the bright, light green of tender new leaves. It’s what inspired the Impressionists.

And it’s interesting that many East coast natives don’t really notice it anymore. They tend to talk about the bugs and the pollen. Yes, that’s here too, but I’m so bowled over by the beauty, I haven’t been paying attention. I hope I never become inured to the splendor.

So it was just such a spring morning, when walking my dog through the woods that the rebirth process of nature struck me on a whole new level. These trees that appeared so lifeless, so dead, were now pregnant with thousands of tiny buds. It got my full attention. They had something to teach me about the process of manifestation. Here goes…

Many have an area of our lives that, appears on the surface, dead. Maybe you’ve worked really hard to bring something good to life in your world…with no success. Perhaps you keep trying and trying, becoming frustrated with each failed attempt. Maybe you’ve given up and are pretending to tolerate an unfulfilling life. Perhaps you’ve rationalized away your desire for a more joyous and fulfilling life. I know I’ve done that with certain areas of my life.

If so, join with me in turning to nature to see if we can’t mimic its miraculous process of rebirth.

If an alien (or a Southern Californian, for that matter) landed on this planet in the middle of winter anywhere in the Northern hemisphere he would see, with the exception of the evergreens, nothing but dead trees and bushy sticks growing out of the ground. He would see frozen ground and think, “there’s no life growing here.” But we Earthlings know that nothing could be further from the truth. If he waits a few months, he’ll witness a miracle of transformation. Around March, April or May strange pods begin to develop on all the branches seemingly overnight. As the planet warms up and rain showers down, these pods begin to open up and tender new forms of life express themselves. In a few days or weeks, brilliant colors and diverse shapes burst forth. Once bare and lifeless branches are transformed into living aroma-producing, bird-housing, shade-providing wonders of nature.

Just as the trees and bushes now express their potential, our heart’s desires, which may appear lifeless now, can be nurtured to blossom and express our life’s potential. What’s the secret?…

Two forces: Sun and rain. Well, metaphorically, of course. As the sun warms up the tree trunks, and rain nourishes the soil which allows the life energy to flow, we can add “sun” and “rain” to our desires to allow life energy to flow. Spend some time in nature this week as you reflect on the following two ideas.

1. Love: We can think of “sun” as love. Do you know how you feel when you’re relaxing in the warm sun at the beach on a summer day? You’re relaxed. As long as you’ve applied protective sun screen, the sun feels healing to your body and your worries are miles away. Life is good and you feel great. It’s that feeling you want to apply to your heart’s desires. You want to get into that feeling space of loving your self and your life…of knowing that all is right with the world. Meditation is a good place to start with this. So is visualization. Whatever gets you connected with your Source and allows your mind to “live in the possibility” of your desires fulfilled, is a good practice. Spend time each day actively loving your self, your talents, your uniqueness and the gift you bring to the world. You are a magnificent expression of life…even more glorious than a pear tree in full blossom. Radiate warm love into your desires. Remember that, just like the natural rebirthing process of spring, the fulfillment of your desires is a natural process. Just as a tree is meant to blossom in the spring, you are meant to realize your potential. Consciously love your desires into manifestation.

2. The element of “rain” has two components…affirmation and action.

Affirmation: Similar to the way in which rain nourishes the soil which feeds plants and trees, positive affirmations nourish your soul and your heart’s desires. Structure your affirmations such that they first affirm the truth that you are connected with the Source, followed by a statement of the absolute truth about you. Repeating affirmations should not be about “countering” some current experience. Their purpose should be to remind you of your innate wholeness, and call forth your divine right to a fulfilling, joyous, successful and prosperous life. For example, if I were affirming financial prosperity, I might say something along the lines of: “Because I am a unique expression of Universal limitless good, I am now infinitely abundant, prosperous and free, as I was created to be.” Repeat positive affirmation throughout your day…upon rising, before falling off to sleep, while waiting in line, driving in traffic, and each time your mind starts to drift into fear and doubt. Remember that you are “nourishing” the soil of your mind and soul which feeds your belief…and therefore your experience in life.

Action: it is a fact of nature that the right amount of rain nourishes life and supports the growth of all good things. Too much in one place and destructive floods occur. Too little rain and living things wither and die. We can think of our daily activity in this way. In order to support the manifestation of your heart’s desires, you need to take action. Too little action and the manifestation withers and dies. Too much action and you’ll be carried away by a flood of overwhelm. By “too much action” I mean running around trying to make things happen without being connected to the Source of intuitive wisdom that would guide you into effective action. Again, I stress the importance of first connecting with Source through meditation, quiet journaling or other such practice that aligns you with your inner intuition. Through this practice you will open yourself to an inner wisdom and be guided as to what exactly you need to do in the physical world to support the realization of your dreams. As you take action, affirm your talents and capabilities as well as the fact that the universe loves and supports you. Action, taken in this way then becomes focused, empowered and purposeful, instead of exhausting and stressful.

So again, take some time this week to connect with nature. Take a walk in the mountains, along the beach, in the woods, or the desert in bloom. As you do, contemplate these ideas and make them your own. Then, come back, get ready, and get going.

Many blessings.