Gratitude and Goal Achievement

How does the practice of proactive gratitude help us achieve our goals and realize our intentions? The answer is indirectly, yet most definitely.

When we set our intention to achieve a specific goal or manifest some good in our life, whether that’s finding our perfect work, making a specific amount of money or simply being more loving, the practice of proactive gratitude is essential to our success.

We know that practicing gratitude helps us more fully enjoy our life as it is right now. It encourages us to want what we have. And that is the beauty of gratitude. Being fully present in our lives and enjoying the “now moment” is true living.  At the same time, the practice of gratitude also empowers us to realize our full potential – to expand our experience of good.  Nothing in life is stagnant.  It is the nature of the universe to expand and be more fully realized.

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but yet so true, that if we are always dissatisfied with our life as it is, it makes it more difficult to move forward into a greater experience of good. Most people think dissatisfaction with their current circumstances is the motivation required to achieve something greater. But that’s not true, and here’s why…

When you are dissatisfied with something in your life, you are actively resisting what is. When you actively resist what is, your energy repels the good that is trying to get to you. Your focus is one pointed…toward what you don’t want…and you often miss opportunities that may be right in front of you. People, situations and events that could easily help you get closer to realizing your dreams, go unnoticed.

Being grateful for all that we have helps us remember how blessed we are. When we feel blessed, it is easier to accept that, in this ever expanding universe, there is more and more good just waiting for us, and more importantly…we feel worthy of it. This changes our energy into one of attracting more good, rather than repelling it. We begin to see opportunities and situations that could propel us closer to our goal. As we continue to practice daily proactive gratitude, synchronistic events begin to happen on a regular basis.  A way is made clear for us.

Something happened the other day that brought this into focus for me. I’ve been practicing proactive gratitude for almost a year now and have noticed my energy begin to shift. About two months ago I came up with an idea for a new collectible toy for tweens (with the help of my 11-year-old twins, naturally). I set my intention to develop the idea, create a prototype and license it to a major toy manufacturer to produce. For the last couple of weeks I’ve wondered how in the world I would ever even get in the door of any toy manufacturer. I know no one in that world. I’m not even sure how to proceed past writing a proposal and creating a prototype.  However, throughout the process I have remained in gratitude for 1) the idea, 2) the time to pursue the idea, 3) my kids, 4) the continuing inspiration and passion, 5) the encouragement of others and 6) all the synchronistic events that keep occurring, like this one…

The other day I felt compelled to completely clean out my office and reorganize everything. There were piles of paperwork, an overflowing bookcase and stacks of Lord knows what everywhere.  As I was relocated some of the books from the overflowing bookcase I noticed a big book that I have never seen before. I don’t even know how it got there.  I picked it up and read the title: The Toy and Game Inventor’s Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Pitch, License and Cash-In on Your Ideas. Bingo! It is exactly what it says in the title, including contact information for 50 toy manufacturers and how to approach them. I never would have noticed it if I wasn’t compelled to reorganize my office (which, let me be honest, is not a common occurrance.)

I know that if I continue to remain in gratitude around this project, everything will fall into place just as it should for the realization of this big dream.  I know it because it’s happened before. It seems  that every good thing that’s manifested in my life was accompanied by a state of gratitude.

Prove it to yourself.  If there is a big goal in your life, some greater good you wish to realize, try this…

1.  Be grateful for where you are right now. Think of as many things as possible that are now, or could potentially be, a blessing in your life. 

2. Practice gratitude around your intention or goal.  From the idea, to the inspiration, to the energy you have, to your abilities, to the resources available to you, to your friends and associates who could assist you in some way.  Practice being grateful for these things, and more, on a daily basis.

3. Look for the synchronistic events that occur.  Acknowledge any and all steps forward toward your goal and celebrate them!

Let me know how it goes for you.

Many blessings!