Gratitude Experiment: Day 55

One of the most powerful things that gratitude does for us…is that it opens our hearts.  When we practice proactive gratitude we open ourselves to experience more love:  more love for things and experiences in our lives, more love for others, more love for our planet and more love for ourselves.  Experiencing more love in all these areas of what life is about. It’s where we want to be. It’s who we want to be.  It’s our essential nature.  It’s an attractive energy that draws more and more good toward us.  It is also where some of us get stuck. 

Why do we get stuck? Why wouldn’t we want to experience more love in all of these areas?  Ah, why indeed?  I think it’s because most of us have, through painful experiences in our past, built walls around our heart.  We don’t want to leave our heart’s too open…we’ll be too vulnerable.  We might experience that pain again.  Uh oh. That pain of rejection, or disappointment, or events that don’t seem to make any sense. And so we’ve built up a defensive border as a precaution.  To protect ourselves.

Somewhere a little voice inside says, “you can practice gratitude and open up to love…but only up to a point. Don’t go too far.  Don’t leave yourself vulnerable.”  This is below the level of our conscious mind, of course.  That voice doesn’t really want you to hear it, or you might see what it’s doing and attack it with reason.  And so what it does is…causes us to lose our focus on gratitude little by little.  We kinda forget to practice gratitude one day, and then the next, and then suddenly it’s gone and it didn’t seem that important anyway.  Our minds and hearts fill back up with judgment and resentment and noticing what’s wrong with our life.  Suddenly we’re miserable again and we don’t know what happened.

Now that you know, you have a choice. Are you going to let that little voice prevent you from experiencing the life you really want to live…a life of love and joy, attracting more prosperity and success?  Or, are you going to stand up and say, “Hey, wait a minute.  Love is my essential nature. Love feels good.  Yes, I may experience rejection or disappointment. So what?  There is so much good in the world, there is so much possibility and opportunity around me, I can attract more.  But I won’t if my heart is closed. So, I’m choosing to keep my heart open. I’m choosing to practice gratitude on a daily basis and allow it to open my heart even further.”

It’s your choice. You are in charge.  Don’t let that little voice divert you from your commitment.  And you know you can always get support for your practice here at The Gratitude Experiment.  Bookmark this site.  Click the RSS Feed button. Check in everyday and get inspired to practice more gratitude and experience more love everyday.



I am grateful for the skylights that are being put in today…how wonderful to have all that light!  How beautiful the sky is!

I am grateful for my immune system and how healthy I’ve been for quite awhile.

I am grateful for new opportunities to express more of my talents.

I am grateful for loving support from the members of PT.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 9

I am grateful for my morning which just flowed so easily, effortlessly and joyously.  From parking right in front, to no waiting for my appointment, to happy, loving people all around me, to having a coffee kiosk right there, right after I realized I could use a  cup o’ joe….life flowed from one effortless, joyous moment to the next.  I am so grateful for that experience and I caught a glimpse that this is how life is supposed to be when we are in the flow of gratitude for everything around us…when our hearts are open and we’re open to receiving the good!

I am also deeply grateful that the doctor who reminded me that it is now almost three years out after my cancer diagnosis and all is well.  And I am eternally grateful for the fact that the radiologist caught it so very early…before it had a chance to spread…that it needed minimal treatment to remove it and just get on with my life.  I am so very grateful!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 4

I am so grateful for all the loving, supportive friends at my spiritual community, Unity of Chapel Hill! What a blessing to so loved by others, and to love them and support them. Love is most assuredly, the greatest gift of all.

I am also grateful for what does not happen. Do you ever think about how close you, or your loved-ones come on occasion to getting hurt, or getting into an accident, or losing something, or not  making it somewhere on time, but miraculously…what could happen, doesn’t.  I’m grateful for all those times!

Another Amazing Woman Talks about My Work

Carol Allen, an amazing woman, master relationship coach, Vedic Astrologer and friend had this amazing thing to say about me and my work…

“I’ve known Victoria for over ten years and I’ve seen her make ALL of her own dreams come true – living a life most people can’t imagine – the perfect husband, gorgeous twin daughters, fulfilling work with an abundant lifestyle. And she tells me it was years and years of struggle before any of that came to be – and that everything she did to transform her own life she teaches in this ‘Manifest Your Good’ program. I’m a witness – this woman knows her stuff and is so sincere in wanting to help. Lots of people claim to have it all figured out, but when you scratch the surface, their own lives don’t work. Victoria totally walks her talk, and can help you no matter where things are and where you wish they were. Get with her and stand back and be amazed…”

Carol Allen, author of “Love Is In The Stars – The Wise Woman’s Astrological Guide To Men.”

Wow, huh?

Why Isn't the Law of Attraction Working for Me? Part 2

Here is part 2 in our discussion about why some may not be having as much success using the principles of manifestation. If you missed Part 1, scroll down to the next entry. Then come back here for my 3-step plan for applying the Law of Attraction effectively in every area of your life.

Discovering and transforming limiting core beliefs is absolutely essential if you want to manifest a more expansive and abundant life. The good news is that you can do it. This is totally in your power. The reality is that it takes some work. However, I’ve come up with a 3-step plan that will make that “work” a little easier…and very effective.

1. Inner Wisdom Journaling. One of the best ways that I have found for uncovering deeply held beliefs is to practice “inner wisdom guided” journaling. Give yourself a good 30 to 60 minutes and a quiet place where you will not be disturbed during this process.

Before you begin, close your eyes and take several deep, cleansing and relaxing breaths. Then, ask your inner wisdom to guide you to the deep recesses of your mind…the nooks and crannies of memories, past hurts and childhood “lessons.” Visualize your inner wisdom shining a brilliant flash light into these areas. Take your time with this part of the process.

Then, when you feel ready, open your eyes and pick up your pencil. Allow your hand to be guided as it writes…without editing…onto the page. Keep writing. The more you write, the clearer things becomes. Neatness counts against you here. Be messy. Fill up several pages. Fill up an entire journal if you need to. No one will read it but you. If you’re messy enough, no one will understand it but you!

2. Practice Forgiveness. One of the blocks I see preventing people from attracting what they truly desire to experience in their lives is the energy of resentment and regret. Whether it’s resentment against some person or situation, or regret over your own past mistakes, it’s an energy that will block your good from getting to you. Even though these mistakes and hurts happened in the past, they are still very much alive in the present…even if you are not consciously aware of them. And it is this energy that will choke off the growth of any new good.

Forgiveness frees you to realize your potential. When you truly forgive someone, or some situation, or yourself, you will uproot these weeds, allowing your mental garden the space it needs to blossom.

Forgiveness begins with a willingness to let go and move on. Forgiveness does not mean condoning someone’s bad behavior or inviting them over for dinner. It means you are willing to separate what someone did from who they are in truth…a human being trying to make his or her way through life and naturally making mistakes. The same goes for you. In truth, we human beings can only do the best we can with the consciousness that we have at the time. If you’ve made mistakes in your past, you can begin today to be willing to see that you did the best you possibly could given your understanding at the time.

Spend as much time as necessary in prayer, meditation, journaling, or silently blessing yourself, the situation and the other person. See yourself cutting the cord that has bound you to this person in a web of negative energy. You’ll be amazed at how light and free you feel.

3. Meditation. Learn to meditate and practice it regularly. It is in meditation that the ego’s voice will be seen for what it is…an obstacle obscuring the light of your true self.

With a regular meditation practice you will connect with your inner magnificence and begin to understand the truth that you are loved and that you deserve a love-filled, joy-filled and abundant life. You will begin to feel, on a very deep level, that a magnificent, abundant life has already been given to you. You already have the fulfillment of your heart’s desires, and you simply need to own this truth and allow it manifest in your experience. This you will begin to feel in meditation. And, after a while, that deep understanding gleaned in the 20 to 30 minutes of daily meditation will begin to seep into your subconscious, transmuting any limiting beliefs that have been hanging out there.

There are as many teachers and types of meditation as there are varieties of chocolate. I offer one in my Manifesting Your Desires Program. Find one that suits you and just do it!

Don’t allow these limiting core beliefs, regrets and resentments to rob you of the magnificent life you were meant to life. Do not delay your good one more moment. Practice these three keys and watch as the floodgates open and an abundance of love, joy, prosperity and success pours into your life. Then, you’ll be the one on Oprah sharing with the world how you’ve applied the Law of Attraction and are now experiencing the manifestation of limitless good in your life.

Many blessings.

Why Isn't the Law of Attraction Working For Me? Part 1

Since the vastly popular movie, The Secret burst onto the scene a few years ago, millions of people everywhere have been trying to figure out how to use this “Law of Attraction” thing to manifest more prosperity, love and success into their lives. Many watched Oprah’s shows featuring several individuals who used this “Law” to totally transform their lives. The problem was that many of these viewers became frustrated when it they couldn’t figure out how to use the Law of Attraction and did not have the same results as those featured in the movie and on Oprah. Ultimately many dismissed it as just “wishful thinking.”

What most seekers don’t understand is that they are already using the Law of Attraction. Unfortunately, most are using it unconsciously and attracting everything they don’t want. Even techniques taught in The Secret (like repeating positive affirmations and visualizing prosperity) don’t seem to be bringing people the prosperity, success, or love that they really want. Is this happening to you?

Or, maybe you’ve got the Law of Attraction thing down. You understand how it works and have perhaps manifested some small blessing in your life. Still, you wonder why you keep experiencing the same challenges over and over in that “problematic” area of your life. Let’s explore why that might be, and learn how you can utilize this powerful force to attract what you do want…in every area of your life.

In science, the law of attraction refers to a chemical affinity or a physical condition where “like attracts like.” Not unlike the laws of physical science, the law of attraction is very real and works in our experience exactly the same way. How? Well, because the universe is fundamentally energy. We are, therefore, fundamentally energy and our thoughts are fundamentally energy. Our predominate thoughts and our “emotionally charged” thoughts actually emit frequencies science can measure. These frequencies attract like experience in our outer world. It’s all energy. One is the inner, the other is the outer.

You are, therefore, attracting to yourself in physical experience the vibrational equivalent of your beliefs. Your present “reality” is comprised of your beliefs “in form.”

There’s a catch here however. Something most who teach about the Law of Attraction don’t talk about …

There is not sufficient energy in your occasional beliefs, your repeated affirmations, or what you are picturing during visualization to manifest as form in your experience. There simply isn’t. What does have the energy to manifest are your deeply held beliefs…and they do. You are attracting into your life experiences and conditions that match your deeply held “core beliefs.” Techniques such as repeating positive affirmations or visualization do not, on their own, transform these core beliefs.

What do I mean by deeply held core beliefs? I mean your personal world view — which you keep alive by your attitudes and perceptions as you interact with the world. Some examples might be: “The only truly wealthy people are those born into it.” Or, “It’s only who you know that matters.” Or, “The older you get the harder it is to find true love.” Or, “You’ve got to be really smart or clever to earn lots of money (and I’m not).” Or, “All good things come to an end.” These are not conscious beliefs, mind you. They live in the dark recesses of your subconscious.

Compounding the problem is that we live in a world that continually tells us we are limited, that there’s not enough to go around and that we are victims of fate and at the mercy of an unkind world.

Discovering and transforming these limiting core beliefs is absolutely essential if you want to manifest a more expansive and abundant life. The good news is that you can do it. This is totally in your power. The reality is that it takes some work. However, I’ve come up with a 3-step plan that will make that “work” a little easier…and very effective.

Join me next Monday when I detail my 3 step plan . Until then, start looking at what has been manifesting in your life up till now, and know that it is indeed a reflection of your core beliefs.


Victoria Loveland-CoenWelcome to my new blog!  Manifest Your Good is all about exploring the process of manifesting our heart’s desires.  We are using the Law of Attraction all the time.  Let’s learn to use it consciously and deliberately.  We “divinely-human” beings were given the gift of free will and dominion over our lives. We’ve just forgotten that fact.  We’ve mistakenly believed we were subject to the winds of fate, our history and our current experience.  Let us wake up together, rise above conditions and claim our divine birthright — peace, prosperity, love, success and wellbeing!