A Grateful Graduation

Graduation time is here!  I know a few parents who are so very grateful their child made it all the way through high school, or college, and for some, graduate school. I have a dear friend that went back to school to get her degree later in life and she’s graduating in June too.  Congratulations all!  Truly something to be proud of and grateful for!

Yes, grateful for. Education is not a given….particularly for women.  In some countries woman are refused the right to an education.  I guess an educated woman must be such a terrible threat to men and the rules they’ve created to dominate them.  But I digress.  The opportunity to attend college and graduate school is indeed a privilege to be grateful for.  And I’ll just give thanks in advance that all that school debt you may have accrued will be paid off easily and quickly!

And, I know it’s been way too long since I’ve written a blog here.  But I do have a bit of an excuse…because you see, I’m graduating too.  I’ve been in seminary for the past two years.  It’s been very intense, but I’ve just handed in my final assignments!  Yea!   I am just about to graduate and become an ordained Interfaith Minister.  What’s an “Interfaith Minister” you might be asking?

An Interfaith Minister is one who honors the beauty found in every spiritual tradition.  We look for the core essence of Truth running through all religions. We strive to promote the commonality, rather than the differences, among all faith traditions. We support that basic human desire to experience the divine…to have connection to something larger than ourselves and to connect with the love within one another.

The training I received was through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in NYC (here’s the link) .  It was life-transforming, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.

I am also grateful to tell you that I have been asked to co-minister my spiritual community, Unity Center of Peace in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  And I’ve accepted.  I will be co-ministering with another One Spirit graduate, Rosemary Hyde.  We look forward to the opportunity of bringing the wisdom of our recent training into our community and helping it to grow and thrive.  More on that in future blogs.

So happy Graduation day to all of us and a big bunch of gratitude to all the people who supported us in achieving our goals!