Gratitude and Receiving

Another important benefit of practicing gratitude is that it helps us truly receive.   Now, before you say, “But isn’t it more important to give than receive?” Or,” I don’t have any trouble receiving,” I’ll ask you to take another look at that.

Our whole world depends upon a balance of giving and taking.  We give nourishment to our garden and in time we receive vegetables and flowers. We give of our time and talents to work and it gives back to us in salary and a sense of fulfillment.  We give to our friends and family and they give back to us.   Even the act of breathing is a give and take.  We’ll soon expire if we don’t take in a breath, and the same is true if we don’t let it out.  

However, when things get out of balance and we find ourselves giving more than we’re receiving we can feel depleted, exhausted and maybe even resentful.  If the lack of balance continues it can affect our health, our finances, our relationships and our general happiness.

When we can take a moment to notice and be grateful for the beauty of the world around us and simply take it in, we are receiving.  When we can allow the sun’s warmth to touch our skin and be grateful, we are receiving.  When we can accept a compliment gracefully, we are receiving. When we can accept a friend’s offer to help us with something and be grateful for them, we are receiving.  When we can allow ourselves to taste our food and be grateful that it satisfies our hunger and nourishes our body, we are receiving.   When we gratefully accept a hug from our child, friend or lover, we are receiving.

Practice receiving this week.  Notice how many different ways the world gives to you and then, allow yourself to enjoy it.  Take it in. Be grateful for all ways the world supports you and gives to you.