Ode to Mothers

Mother’s Day is finally here and it seems like it’s been way too long of a time since we moms have been recognized and celebrated.  In fact, one day a year is just too skimpy of a time segment for our children, our spouses and other caring relatives to recognize the immense sacrifices we moms make on a daily basis to ensure that our children are fed, burped, clean, rested, dressed, brushed, safe, secure, educated, enriched, honest, well-mannered, fair-players, good-sharers, good turn-takers and first-time-listeners (have I forgotten anything?).  The older my children get, the clearer this becomes.  In fact, I propose a whole month for proper recognition.  I think the entire month of May ought to be devoted to honoring moms!  Are you with me on this? 

With that said, I remember my first Mother’s Day with great fondness.  My twins were only a few weeks old, and it didn’t quite feel real yet. Maybe it was the exercise in sleep-deprivation, but I keep thinking everyone, including my husband was referring to my mom when they said “Happy Mother’s Day.”  It took me awhile to “own” Mother’s Day for myself.  Anyway, a best friend of mine came over and said, “You and Dana go out and have nice long brunch.  I’ll watch the babies for you.”  I could have kissed the ground she walked on.  We did have a nice brunch together and I got to look in my husband’s eyes for the first time in weeks.  Then my breasts began to ache and milk started leaking out (what a moment breaker!) and it was time to go home.

Many of you are experiencing your first Mother’s Day this year. Now, don’t look around for your mom when I say, “Happy Mother’s Day/Month dear deserving goddess woman!” For that’s what you are…a goddess woman.  Who else but a goddess could have done the superhuman feat of carrying a baby (or babies) for nine whole months…super alert to taking care of herself all the while…refusing margaritas, sushi, diet sodas and lattes?!  And then of course, there’s the ordeal of childbirth itself.   Yes, only a goddess would allow her body…and indeed her life…to be used by the Divine Life Force to create another blessed being on Earth, and entrust that little being to her sure and tender care.  Yes, only a goddess woman could do what you do on a daily basis…day in and day out.

I wish for you a good friend or relative to watch your baby (or babies) while you go off to be treated to brunch, flowers, massages, love from hubby, and a proper recognition of the goddess you are.  And if your children are older, my wish for you is another hand-made treasure, kid-prepared breakfast in bed, and good table manners.

Many Blessings Goddess Mamas! We are grateful for you!  Happy Mother’s Day!