The Gratitude Experiment: Day 11

Today I am so grateful for technology.  Even though it can be so frustrating sometimes, it still an incredibly effective means of communication.  How else can you get a message out to thousands of people  in under a minute? 

I’m grateful I no longer have to spend days addressing Christmas Card envelopes…licking and stamping them all.  I can simply send a personal letter complete with our photos via the internet. 

And I’m grateful that…despite the efforts of the Iranian government to suppress word getting out of thousands of students protesting the government…the word still got out. Thanks to technology.

5 thoughts on “The Gratitude Experiment: Day 11

  1. I have gratitude for the gift if my healthy physical body. I am grateful for having the opportunity to embrace the universal love and gratitude expounded on this site. I am grareful for being in the precence of abundance eternally!

  2. Wonderful. Thank you. And welcome to the Gratitude Experiment. We look forward to your daily gratitudes!

  3. I am thankful for knowing that I am Divine Love and that we are all one and can manifest anything we feel truly worthy of.I am thankful for my healthy body,soul and spirit.I am thankful for my family and their health.I am thankful for the peace,love, joy and abundance.I am thankful for my good friends and all the joy and love they bring into my life.I am thankful for the shift of awareness to knowing who we truly are,Love manifested in the physical.

  4. All great stuff…yes! And welcome to the Gratitude Experiment. Daily recognition and documentation of what you are grateful for…over a period of time will totally shift you and begin to attract more good into your life. Enjoy

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