The Gratitude Experiment: Day 10

What I’m noticing about being in a place of gratitude (which happens only after you’ve been practicing this experiment of recognizing and posting what you are grateful for every day) is that my usual running judgmental commentary is relaxing. Instead of judging what I’m witnessing as bad or inferior…I’m just looking for something in the experience I can be grateful about. This is true whether I’m watching a musical performance, or listening to a speaker, or reading a book or talking with someone, or watching the world go around.  I’m becoming less judgemental…hence, a whole lot happier!

Today, I’m grateful for loving and supportive friends…and the opportunity to be loving and supportive to them.

I’m grateful for the beauty and abundance in nature all around me. 

I’m grateful for those two humorous squirrels who played and chased each other around a tree for at lest 30 minutes.  So entertaining!

One thought on “The Gratitude Experiment: Day 10

  1. I am grateful for completely transparent, loving and accepting friends. Those who you know will tell you the truth even if it stings a bit; knowing it is what is best for you.

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