Gratitude Experiment: Day 41

I am so grateful for the baby girl who was rescued yesterday…pulled out of the rubble from a collapsed building in Haiti after 68 hours!  And she’s totally fine and reunited with her uncle. What a miracle!

I am grateful for the dinner guest tonight who took us outside to look at the stars.  This astronomy buff helped open our eyes to the miraculous Milky Way.  The constellations and galaxies that are always there every night….but I rarely take the time to notice.

I am grateful for the little rainbows that dance along my bathroom walls in the morning.  I am grateful for the realization that it’s pure Source light refracted in a window which displays its white light in a variety of beautiful colors.  It’s similar to how pure Source expresses as us…a variety of beautiful color and dimension.

As I witness a thing of beauty and allow the feeling of gratitude well up inside me I can feel my consciousness expanding and my world becomes more vibrantly alive. It am getting closer to understanding what a gift life is.  This is the transformative power of gratitude. 

After practicing proactive gratitude for awhile, your world will never be the same.  You will never look at things the same way.  You will seldom overlook the miracles that occur all around us, all the time.  The miracles that most don’t see.  This is how a baby sees the world.  It’s how we all saw the world at one time.  We learn to overlook it. We learn to become immune to the miraculous world around us.  And we can unlearn.

That’s the transformative power of gratitude.