The 5-Minute Gratitude Exercise That Will Change Your Life

We divine beings having a human experience very often find ourselves in the very human experience of relationship problems that consume us, work problems that consume us, health issues the concern us, financial troubles that consume us, or just day-to-day frustrations that grab and hold our attention.  Different problems…but what do they all have in common? Being consumed by them…having our attention held by them.

Now, I’m not going to tell you that the practice of gratitude will cure all your problems (of course, I’m not saying it won’t either) but the one thing that the practice of proactive gratitude will do is lessen the hold these problems have on your ability to enjoy your life, and at the same time it will create new and more harmonious experiences.

And you can do it right now…this very minute…and at any moment. You can begin with this exercise I will share here which will immediately change your experience and, if practiced consistently, will change the direction of your life.

Ready?  Here we go.

       1.  Think for just a minute about that issue that has consumed your attention.

       2.  Note how you are feeling now.

       3.  Quick, think of something around that issue that you are grateful for. Some examples might be:

  • – If I’m having difficulties with my spouse I can, right now, be grateful for my best friend that I can call and talk to who will be there compassionately for me. Or, I can think of something I really love and appreciate about my spouse.
  • – If I’m battling an illness, I can be grateful that maybe they caught it early, or I am under really good care, or I have an opportunity to re-examine my diet, or if I’ve been unconsciously holding resentment or unforgiveness, to let that go.
  • – If I’m having difficulty paying my bills and am consumed with worry about where the money is going to come from, I can be thankful that I have a job, or that I have the opportunity to refinance, or there are payment option programs available to me, or that I have an abundance of love and support in my life.

These are just examples to get you going. Whatever might be true for you that you can honestly be grateful for around this issue, bring it to mind right now.  There’s always something to be grateful for in a difficult situation. Some may require more searching than others.

           4.  Close your eyes and really focus on that thing you are grateful for. This thought usually attracts other thoughts like it. Let your mind welcome other things for which you are grateful in other areas of your life as well.

          5. Now imagine that there is a volume knob that is connected to that gratitude.  A knob like on a car radio (a physical knob, not the digital kind) and watch your hand reach out and turn up the volume on that gratitude.  Turn it up to a point where it is comfortable, but stretches you a little bit.  You are literally turning up the volume on the feeling of gratitude, and what is right with your life.

           6. Now allow that feeling to bubble up inside of you like champagne bubbles bubbling to the surface and on the count of thee you are going to raise you arms to the sky and shout out a giant “Woo-hoo.”  Ready?  One, Two, Three…Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!

          7.  Now notice how you feel. 

Whenever you notice that you are getting sucked down into the “woe-is-me” syndrome, or consumed by your problems, do this exercise.  I dare you to do it and not feel transformed.

As always, let me know how it goes for you.  Reply under the comment section of this blog entry.

Many blessings. I am grateful for you!