Stepping Out in Faith

leap of faith

The last few posts have been all about expanding our idea of what we think is possible for ourselves and the world.  We’ve explored these limitless possibilities, and then worked to become a vibrational match to those qualities or experiences we want to grow in our lives.  I’ve talked about the power of our thoughts and beliefs – because knowledge is power, and the more you understand how powerful you really are the more you can use that power consciously to create your experience in life and to become a light for others.

So today we’ll complete this cycle of ideas of growing our good by talking about how to step out in faith.

One of my favorite Biblical passages is in Hebrews: “For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  (Hebrews 11:1)  This passage describes exactly the process I’m talking about.  Everything is created out of an invisible infinite possibility.  New Thought pioneers referred to it as this Infinite Invisible Substance that is all around us (the substance of things hoped for…the evidence of things not seen.)  And what causes the invisible substance, the infinite possibility, to come into form and experience?

Intention…intention infused with faith.

Faith is more than a thought.  It’s more than an acknowledged desire.  It’s more than an affirmation.  It’s more than a vision board.  It’s more than prayer.  All these things can get us there.  In fact, that’s the point of affirmation, prayer, vision boards, white stones, etc…the point of them is to get us to a place of faith…that state of being wherein when we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our good – the good we want to bring into experience in our lives – is already ours.  It’s a certainty.  No doubt about it. We can then act on that faith from a place of knowing that it will show up as we move forward into life.

Do you remember the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?  There is a part of the movie where Indiana finds himself in a situation that, in order to save his father’s life, he must successfully navigate through the 3 very difficult trials – a misstep in any of them and he’s a dead man.  He does have an ancient guide with him that gives him these obscure clues, which he has to figure out quickly in order to survive, and to save his father’s life.  The last one finds him running through a tunnel…which ends abruptly as he finds himself standing on the edge of a deep abyss.  The ancient text tells him to “step from the head of the lion.”  Here’s a link to that exact scene.

Indiana Leap of Faith

I love this film because it’s literally about stepping out on faith.  That out of the invisible substance, through faith, something solid emerges that is the answer to our heart’s desires.  For Indiana, that’s saving his father’s life.  And in this scene in particular, he has to connect to his heart – which is our connection with the Divine within. Then only after he’s done that, does he take action.

This is not a bad model for us.

Have you heard the saying: The Divine can work for us only as It works through us.  We must first be a willing vessel for Divine wisdom to direct our action.  We must then be willing to take that action…regardless of any resistance, fear, or discomfort.  In growing our good we will no doubt experience one or all of that.  But we must be willing anyway.

So let’s break it down and make it doable for ourselves.

Connecting with and listening to our Divine Wisdom.  That’s something most of us on a spiritual path strive to do.  Because we know that living our lives….making decisions…moving in the world….making changes in our lives…from our heads…from our own “self-initiated plans” as the Course in Miracles refers to it, will only serve to make us unhappy.  We’ll end up doing a lot of running around, working really hard, but not really getting anywhere.  It’s also coming from the smallest part of ourselves.  Our very small human dimension.

When we connect with the Divine Wisdom within and allow that to guide us, we are coming from a larger place…the place where we are connected with Source energy, and where we are connected with everyone and everything else.  When we move into action this way, things begin to line up for us.  This is when synchronicity happens.  We move out into the world on purpose and tend to achieve far more in less time.  We can be assured that our Divine Wisdom will always move us in the direction of our highest purpose unfolding and what we create will be deeply fulfilling, add joy to our lives, and even offer healing to the world.

Get comfortable with discomfort.  Following Divine Guidance isn’t always easy, or pain-free, or fear-free.  No, in fact moving out into action following Divine Guidance often pushes us against our “growing edge” and that’s usually uncomfortable.  That’s why it’s helpful to have support.  And it’s important to remember that every time we feel that fear as we’re taking that leap of faith…we want to connect with our heart (as Indiana did) remind ourselves of our true purpose, and remind ourselves that the fear is simply shedding old skin…allowing us to grow into the magnificent beings we are meant to be.

My daughter, Olivia, just auditioned for The Voice in February.  She’s unusual in kids her age as she knew early on what she wanted to be when she grows up.  She always wanted to be a singer and performer.  She started singing when she was about five.  She has been wanting to audition for one of these televised singing contests for a while now.  As she’ll be turning 16 by the time the show airs she was finally allowed to audition.  Olivia worked on her audition song night and day and envisioned herself at least getting through to the next level where she would be on the show.  So she made the argument for taking us to NYC where the auditions where held.  Didn’t take much to convince me as I preach “going for your dreams” (saying no to her would be hypocritical of me.)

So we went through the grueling process of lining up outside in 10 degree weather in New York City…and waiting and waiting and waiting.  Olivia was one of the youngest to audition that I could see.  Most where 17 or 18 and above.  As we got closer Olivia started to get really nervous.  In fact she was literally shaking all over.  Fortunately I was there to help her breathe deeply and affirm her talent and ability.  By the time she got into the room to audition she had calmed down a bit and had centered herself.  Well she sang really strong – the best I’d heard her.

What happened?  Out of the 10 people who auditioned in the room with her, only 1 was selected to go on to the next level and it was not Olivia.  It was a duo who were amazing, and who had performed professionally around town.

Now some people might take this experience as the universe saying – you’re not good enough and you shouldn’t have even tried this…particularly at such a young age.   But not Olivia.  She sees it as now knowing how high the bar is and how hard she will have to work to get there, as well as what to work on.  So for that, it was an invaluable experience and totally following Divine Guidance and moving out into action in spite of the fear.  Feeling the fear and doing an excellent job anyway is golden experience.

So know that it doesn’t always show up the way you imagined it would, and it often feels uncomfortable.  But it’s all growth and moving one step closer to the realization of your dreams.

We have all been given unique skills, talents and abilities which the Universe uses to give of Itself to the world.   Each one’s true unique abilities, properly aligned with Divine purpose, is extremely valuable and essential to the healing of the world.

The place to begin is to first connect with inner Divine Wisdom and then…follow that wisdom!  Here are some steps to assist you in your journey.

  1. Connect in.  Get into some form of meditation…whatever helps you transcend the chatter of the ego so that you can hear your inner wisdom (click here for a guided meditation).  When you are there, begin listen for the wisdom of your Higher Self.  Some people feel the connection with their inner wisdom in their bodies.  So search your body and see if something feels different, or more peaceful somehow.  You could even ask for a signal from your Higher Self to let you know you are connected with and hearing Divine Wisdom. Ask for a signal and you’ll receive one.  It’s usually very subtle so be alert to any small changes.  For other people it’s just a deep knowing.
  2. Ask. Once you’re there, ask this question of your Inner Wisdom.  “How am I to step out in the world to facilitate the growth of my dream this year?”
  3. Listen.  Your answer could appear as a stream of consciousness, a seemingly unrelated explosion of ideas.  It could be a general direction to move in.  It could be an image, or several images. It could even appear as a well-organized “to-do” list.  It’s all good.
  4. Write it down.  Now…allow your inner wisdom to guide your thoughts, and your hand, in writing down Spirit’s ideas using the space provided in your handout.  Writing it down often clarifies ideas.
  5. Move into action.  Once you’ve received guidance, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense at the moment, or fit into your other plans, or relate to anything you’ve ever done before – you must act upon it.  Even if it brings up your fear, move into action.  You must trust enough to take the first step.  When you do, you will be sending the Universe a message that you are taking this seriously. The Universe will then continue to support your intention.

As you continue this process one step at a time, listening, following…listening, following, etc, it will really begin to flow and before you know it you’re walking on a clearly marked path, your fulfillment plainly in view.

This is how you cultivate a relationship with your inner wisdom.  It will not fail.

Be grateful for the guidance and celebrate each step of the way.  Even if your taken action doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere, know that you are learning and developing essential skills when it does arrive (think of Olivia’s experience.)

When you combine cultivating the Divine Wisdom within in the silence with inspired activity, you are integrating the energy of both dimensions of your being…the spiritual and the physical…and you will experience both spiritual and tangible fulfillment.