Gratitude Experiment: Day 38

New thought leader (and my teacher,) Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith said in the movie and book, The Secret,  “This is a feeling Universe.  So if you have just an intellectual understanding of something, it doesn’t necessarily have the power to manifest. You have to FEEL it” (with a large emphasis on the word feel!)  Many new thought teachers speak about the importance of feeling good, and feeling that your good is here now. 

And, many students wonder how to capture that “feeling.”  More importantly, once captured, how to maintain the “feeling joyous place.”   Well, here’s how…

Practice proactive gratitude.  It’s really what gratitude is all about.  When you are on the lookout for things to be grateful for, and you revel in that blessings, and then you document these blessings by writing it in your journal, or posting it here (which increases the power as other people read and rejoice with you) then you’ve got the key to maintaining a “feeling tone” of love, joy and peace.  It is this “feeling tone” that is the frequency that attracts more and more blessings into our lives and yes, manifests your desires!

Practicing proactive gratitude is such a simple way to stay in the feeling space that has the power to manifest what you have asked for…your heart’s desires.


I am grateful for a day to sleep in and not rush and just enjoy the morning with my family.

I am grateful for my new smart phone and all the cool stuff I can do with it.

I am grateful for the power of team work and the process of Appreciative Inquiry.

I am grateful for the smell of fresh herbs and how special they make food taste.