Making a Regular Practice of Gratitude

This is from my talk last Sunday at Unity Center of Peace, “Time to Shine Your Light.”  It is one of the most important ways to shine your light!

Most of you know how transformational gratitude can be.  But let’s review briefly…

  1. Gratitude helps us to acknowledge…and actually live in the midst of…all the everyday miracles that are now in our lives…those that normally would be overlooked, like access to clean drinking water, birds singing, washing machines, eyes with which to see, etc.  The list goes on and on.
  2. Gratitude lays hold of the blessing in every challenge and calls it forth.
  3. Gratitude makes apparent opportunities that you would otherwise overlook.
  4. Gratitude raises our energy so that we are vibrating at a higher level and therefore attracting more and more blessings into our lives.
  5. Gratitude is a healing energy.  It can heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  6. Gratitude magnifies our light!  If enough of us practice daily gratitude it will raise the vibration of humanity altogether.

But it will do none of these things if we don’t actually make it a daily practice.

So, to support you in your efforts to practice gratitude on a daily basis, I’ve created a “Post-it Note Pad with a reminder and space for you to write down 5 things you are grateful for.  You can fill it out and post it anywhere you’ll see it throughout the day.  I’m offering it free of charge.  You only need to pay nominal shipping.  Click on box to the right to order this.

Also, check in daily on our Facebook page: The Gratitude Experiment and post your gratitude there.  You’ll also be inspired by other’s postings, while giving you ideas for things you hadn’t yet considered being grateful for.

Take advantage of the transformational power of Gratitude by practicing it daily!

Many blessings.