The Challenge of Being Positive

You know that being a positive person helps you attract and keep customers; attract and keep friends; makes you a desirable spouse and employee; and boosts your immune system, among other wonderful benefits, right?

…but how does one remain positive when we’re in a recession, thousands of people are losing their jobs and houses every day, the war appears endless and oil is gushing out into the Gulf uncontrollably destroying everything in its path?  Positive affirmations will take you only so far.

The answer is to practice Proactive Gratitude.  The techniques of Proactive Gratitude shift your energy sufficiently to rise above challenges and therefore to be in place where you can be of real help to others, as well as begin to turn the balance in your own life in the direction of attracting more joyous, expansive, loving and prosperous experiences. 

Join me in the practice of proactive gratitude. Click on the “How to Participate” tab and get started today. It’s free, it’s fun and it may transform your life!

Ready for a quick energy shifting exercise?  Click here and play along.. 10-Second Energy Shifting Gratitude Experiment

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