Gratitude Experiment: Day 61

Bills.  They come every month…all throughout the month. They never stop coming.  We’ve got to pay them, and pay them on time, or we’ll find ourselves in big trouble.  So we do.  The question is, with what kind of attitude do we perform this monthly (or weekly) task?  From the moment we spot the bills in the mailbox to the writing out of the check, actual or virtual, to placing a stamp and mailing them out, how are we feeling?  What are we thinking? How are we reacting?

I know how tempting it is to think (or scream) “Ahhh, again?  Didn’t I just pay this?  Wow, this is really high this month! How am I going to pay this?” Sometimes we swear. Sometimes we gasp.  And, our feelings about actually taking the time to sit down and write the checks and send them off is usually met with feelings that run the gamut of emotions from resentment to detestation.

This is yet another place where the practice of gratitude can transform your life…and your bank account. Here’s how…

1. The moment you receive the bill in the mail (or the email that the automatic deduction has just taken place), consciously switch your thinking from the thoughts expressed above to a feeling of being grateful for the product or service you received for which you are now paying.  Whether it’s the electricity bill or cell-phone bill or credit card statement reflecting purchases you are now enjoying, remember that you are indeed enjoying the service. You couldn’t really get along well without it, and you are grateful for having it in your life.  This is also a good practice to do throughout the month.  From time to time express gratitude for the fact that your lights come on when you flip the switch; your phone connects; your car gets you to your destination.  You are enjoying these privileges all month, every month.

2. While you are writing out your check, or receive the auto-deduct notice, take a moment to repeat the following affirmation, “I am grateful for ________________(whatever service or product you are now paying for). My gratitude opens the floodgates for Divine Substance to generously pour more of it’s prosperity through me and into my financial affairs. This, and all financial obligations, are now met easily and joyfully, with abundance to spare.”

3. Banks and credit card issuing companies have come under fire for a while now for their somewhat “sneaky” ways to generate fees and increase interest rates without warning.  Recent laws are restricting their ability to do this.  I’m grateful for this!  Many of us (myself included) have learned some painful lessons in the use of credit cards.   However, I’ve found it helpful to transform my attitude from one of resentment toward these institutions to one of being grateful for the trust they have in me by offering me a low-cost, unsecured loan to finance my business.  Therefore, I am happy to repay this loan.  Since I’ve transformed my attitude, I’ve had miracles occur in relation to my credit card bills…absolute miracles.

Our financial affairs respond quickly to our change in attitude.  They offer us the opportunity to heal our beliefs, release our judgement, and increase our gratitude for the abundant blessings we have.


I am grateful for my daughter (who I’ve had such a challenging time with recently) expressing her love to me in an amazing way.

I am grateful for my wonderful car that never fails to start, and always gets me to where I need to go.

I am grateful for the spectacularly beautiful weekend.

I am grateful for the new buds I’m seeing in the trees…Spring will be here soon!

3 thoughts on “Gratitude Experiment: Day 61

  1. Thank you for the reminder and the new way of thought. I love the way you put it and I am grateful when the lights come on and the computer boots up and so on. The only hard one is the car that is dead but I owe so much on. Oh well I am grateful for the safety it gave me for the last 4 years! And I am grateful for the fresh way some teenagers view grey hair, that it looks shiny next to the gold ones!

    • That’s right! Bless the car bill…and be open to accepting something new and wonderful into your life. You deserve it!
      Funny about the grey hair. Sounds like they’re able to see a blessing where we have trouble seeing it.

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