Gratitude Experiment: Day 58

This weekend, I had the privilege of seeing a documentary and hearing the producer/director, Doug Collins, speak afterwards and conduct a little mini-workshop with us in the audience. The film is called Laughology. It’s an exploration of how pure, unconditional laughter is a cure for the “common disease of seriousness.”  The therapeutic benefits of laughter are now well documented. But back in Victorian times, it was believed that laughter could actually drive one insane. And, puritanical religions believed it the work of the devil. 

Fortunately, we no longer suffer from these beliefs. But, laughter is not always welcomed in our “serious-minded” society either. After seeing this film, I want to open up to include much more laughter in my life.  After all, babies laugh. All babies laugh.  All kids laugh.  As we get older though, we learn to pretty much stifle our laughter and “grow up and get serious.”  Anyone remember having a fit of uncontrollable laughter in elementary school?   Got you in trouble, didn’t it?    Yeah, we learn to stifle this endorphin-releasing, blood-vessel-opening, heart and gut-massaging natural instinct pretty well. That is, unless we’re at a proper place like a comedy club.  Then, it’s okay.  But, we’ve stifled it for so long that, for most of us, laughter doesn’t come very easily.  How sad is that?

Mr. Collins’ point is that anyone can learn to rebuild their laughing muscles through exercises designed to help you laugh unconditionally…like Laughter Yoga.  Or, just being aware of the humor all around us and allowing ourselves to laugh out-loud more often…with our family, our friends, or anything that might tickle our fancy. 

We all could stand to just let go and enjoy life more.  Our practice of proactive gratitude helps with that as well.  The more we notice what’s right in our world and how much there is to be thankful for, the less serious and worried we are…and naturally…the easier it is to laugh. 

To see some clips from the film, go to:

And if you want something to help jump start your laughter, watch this YouTube video.  I dare you to keep a straight face!


Today I am grateful for the laughter in my life.

I am grateful for babies.

I am grateful for my daughter and how wonderful she is around little kids. It truly brings out the best in her.

I am grateful for the visit from old friends.

I am grateful for the extra sunlight that our new skylights bring into our home.