Gratitude Experiment: Day 37

I love reading all of your gratitudes!  It increases the positive energy of gratitude when I hook into another’s gratitude and I can be grateful for their good.  I encourage all participants to read other’s posts and revel in their blessings.  It’s about increasing the loving, attraction energy field of gratitude here, and that can be achieved by celebrating our own gratitudes…as well as celebrating others!  Try it and you’ll see what I mean.

Also, while it is wonderful to be grateful for the overall state of things in our lives (ie, our health, our relationships, our spiritual connection, etc.) it’s also very powerful to be specific. 

For example, I could say, “I am grateful for my wonderful dog.” That’s general. Or, I can say, “I’m grateful for the way my dog came over to me while I was lying on the couch just now and nuzzled her snout into the crook of my neck.”  That’s specific.  Or, “I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset tonight.” Or, “I’m grateful for that amazing shade of orangey-pink that was layered on top of the lavender-blue.  God’s color pallet is so perfect.”  Experiment with a little more specificity and see how it feels to you.

Being specific also helps us to look for, and celebrate, the small (but, ultimately large) blessings that make up our lives.  It helps sharpen our vision.  It enhances our experience of appreciation and love.

And, as always, use discretion when sharing specifics. You don’t need to mention names or exact locations, or that sort of thing.  But just be on the lookout for what makes something beautiful…specifically, or what makes something sweetly loving, or what you love about someone…specifically.


I am grateful for having a dear old friend in our home and way she makes us all laugh so easily.

One thought on “Gratitude Experiment: Day 37

  1. I am grateful for my family and friends and I hold each of them in the light of Christ.
    I am grateful for my business and all my customers both know and unknown.
    I am grateful for this website so I can exess my gratituder.

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