Gratitude Experiment: Day 25

I am grateful for candlelight services, singing Christmas carols and the opportunity of participating in it with my children.

I am grateful for friends, both old and new, with whom to celebrate the holidays.

I am grateful for lively conversations by the fire and lots of tasty treats.

I am grateful for my daughter who helped me in the kitchen…working side-by-side with me, without missing a beat, or complaining…the entire day.  What a great help she is, and what a terrific way to bond with her.

I’m grateful for my other daughter who showed signs of selflessness and generosity with her sister…trading her gift for something her sister really wanted.  I am grateful she loves her guitar and doesn’t seem to want to put it down.

I am grateful for my husband’s neatness gene who cleared away the mess in no time…and generally keeps our house looking spiffy.

I am grateful for the beauty of candlelight and the bubbles in champagne.

And phew! I’m grateful it’s over…at least until next year.

One thought on “Gratitude Experiment: Day 25

  1. I am grateful that this gratitude experiment is here and thanks to Victoria for doing so!
    I am grateful for a wonderful family – immediate and extended that comes together on this special celebration of Christmas. I am thankful that my daughter’s cousins love her so much and she loves them that she stayed to hangout with her cousins for 3 days! I am grateful for this life. For Christ’s birth and the beautiful description Victoria shared about Christ’s birth yesterday. Blessings!!

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