The Gratitude Experiment: Noticing the Blessing in the Challenge

Another way in which practicing proactive gratitude transforms our experience and draws more good into our lives is this…

After awhile, it becomes easier to see the blessing even in frustrating, unpleasant experiences. In contrast, if you told yourself, “I’m going to look for the good in all my experiences today…even the negative,” that’s not an easy thing to do. Most of us forget and the practice fades from our awareness in a day or two. 

But, after participating in proactive gratitude (particularly with the support of the group site) finding the blessing in the negative becomes natural.  Your mind is already thinking along the lines of noticing the blessings. The energy has already been created.  Your awareness has already begun to receive good.  

Just notice it today…when you’re stuck in traffic…when you’re waiting for a long line…when you don’t seen to have enough money to pay that bill…when someone is mean to you.  These experience often knock us off center and push our button and we tend to spiral down into feeling like we’re a victim.  Instead, with the energy you’ve created by practicing proactive gratitude, your mind will more naturally begin to notice what’s good in that situation.  You will stop and notice something else…something you hadn’t noticed before…something that is actually a blessing. 

Just noticing it calls it forth.