The Gratitude Experiment

Starting today…Thanksgiving Day, 2009, I am embarking on something I’m calling the Gratitude Experiment.

From today forward…and for the next 365 Days I’m am posting at least one thing for which I am grateful. It could be just one thing, or a list of things that day. The point is to focus on what is wonderful in my life and in this world.

More importantly, I want to invite everyone to post in the “comments section” at least one thing for which they are grateful that year.

Here’s the experiment part of this…I want to prove that gratitude transforms peoples lives…and ultimately, transforms the world.

The more people who do this, the more energy builds…the kind of transformational energy that transforms the world. We are transforming the world one gratitude at a time.

We want to participate in intentional gratitude, or rather “proactive gratitude.” It is active appreciation of everything around us, everything in our lives that is good, and even those things which don’t feel so good right now because every challenge in our lives has a gift hidden in it. Our part is to look for that gift and call it forth.

Intentional gratitude is an energy that multiplies our blessings and attracts more good into our lives. This fact has been proven over and over again in so many people’s lives. So let’s harness this power of gratitude by taking a few moments everyday to write down what we are grateful for. The act of writing it down and posting it for the world to see activates the law of attraction and multiplies our good quickly.

Make a commitment now, to post at least one gratitude a day here on this blog and watch your life transform.

3 thoughts on “The Gratitude Experiment

  1. Okay, so my gratitudes for the day (Thanksgiving Day) are: Friends who love and support me. Crunching in Fall leaves. The fact that more people are offering more interesting vegetarian options at Thanksgiving. Getting to watch Macy’s Thanksgiving’s Day parade with my twins daughters who are just delighted with it all!

  2. Well, today I am grateful for having seen my son through a bad evening and coming out with shining colours. Having him smile like the morning sunshine was a blessing indeed.

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