Gratitude and the Box

The reason a consistent practice of gratitude is such a powerful tool to transform our lives is because it connects us to our Source.  It connects us directly to the Infinite Organizing Power of the Universe (whether you call it God, Infinite Intelligence, Universal Love or whatever.)  Gratitude helps us emerge from the little box we’ve been squeezing ourselves into and opens our eyes to an amazing world where we are loved, where there is harmony and order, wholeness, and limitless good.   

These boxes come in all shapes and sizes.  Some are labeled “I’m a victim” others, “nothing works out for me” or “I’m not good enough” and still others “I’ve got to push real hard to make things go the way I want them to.”  What is your box labeled? We all have them.  It’s simply a part of the consciousness of humanity. Some of us have made our boxes really elaborate!

 But when we begin a practice of gratitude, we begin to peek out of our box and see that, in fact, there may be beauty all around us. We begin to notice that there may be an underlying order and harmony in our lives. We begin to understand that we may, in fact, be Sourced by the Infinite and that Source is limitless.  It’s not always completely obvious…we may have to look real hard to find it. Sometimes we can see only the possibility of limitless good.  Or we see it working in other’s lives and we open to the idea that it may actually be possible in ours as well.

And then sometimes we discount it, rationalize it, disown it and go back into our little box.  After all, it’s comfortable in there.  We’ve grown accustomed to it.  We’ve spend our whole lives there.  So it takes effort to open the box again, and then still more effort to keep it open.  That effort is a daily practice of proactive gratitude (click here for a reminder of what those steps are).  When we practice daily proactive gratitude we are keeping the box open.  We are “owning” the good all around us.  As we do this, we are actually activating the possibility in our lives of that which we had only caught a glimpse of while we were peeking out of our box.  We are activating the possibility, so that that possibility becomes a manifest reality.  The possibility of opportunity becomes opportunity. The possibility of harmony becomes the reality of order and purpose in our lives. The possibility of limitless good becomes the reality of increased prosperity.

Once that possibility has become an actuality in our lives…once we see and live in “Divine grace”…we can no longer go back into that little box.  We’ve outgrown it for good. We are now living in gratitude every day.  And that’s when magic happens.

It all start though by just peeking out of the box…noticing the blessings, noticing the good in our lives…celebrating the good, and documenting the good by writing it down daily.  That’s our practice. That’s the practice that liberates us from the box and allows us to experience an amazing life.

Gratitude and Possibilities

One of the most tangible ways in which the practice of gratitude can transform our lives is by opening our eyes to the possibilities and opportunities that are all around us…opportunities and possibilities that we did not see before because we were focused on what wasn’t working, on what wrong with everyone and everything.   It’s as if we’ve had blinders on, and the practice of gratitude gently pulls them off. We begin to see a beautiful world full of possibilities.  We begin to see the potential within us.  We begin in see the connectedness of everything, and how everything is working together for our good…if we will but recognize it!

Let’s take a few obvious examples, just to illustrate the point.  Say I was unemployed and couldn’t find a job to save my life.  Now, rather than constantly bemoan my circumstance and blame the government for my predicament I’m practicing gratitude.  I’m thinking about all the things I have to be grateful for as I’m driving down the road.  Suddenly I realize I’m lost.  I find myself on a new street and again, rather than falling prey to anger and blame, I notice what beautiful trees are lining this street. I’m suddenly grateful that I took a wrong turn.  Then I notice that behind the beautiful trees, which I’m grateful for, is a building I never noticed before.  “Oh look, it Burt’s Bees.  Hmmmm, I didn’t know they were headquartered here.  Gee, I wonder if they’re hiring.”  I go in, submit my resume, and in a few days I have a job at the company I’ve always admired.

Or, say I find myself in a coffee house. It’s very busy and I have to wait in a long line.  Rather than bemoan the inconvenience and stress about how late I am, I silently express my gratitude for the opportunity to have coffee, for soy milk so that lactose intolerant folks like me can still enjoy lattes, for the creative way the place is decorated, for the people around me.  Then, the cute guy in front of me remarks about the weather, or the song they’re playing, and we start up a conversation…which either leads to romance and a relationship or a business opportunity.

Or, I’ve taken my kids to the library to pick out some fun books to read at bedtime. I’m grateful for my children and for this time I get to spend with them. I’m grateful for this library and the people who work here.  As we’re walking through the isles on the way to check out, a self-help book catches my eye.  I pick it up and check it out.  It turns out to be a book that has a significant impact on my life.   

I can think of many for examples, and so can you. In fact, if you’d like to share an example from your own life in the comment section below, we’d love to hear it.

We are all deeply connected to possibilities that can turn our lives around in ways we can’t even imagine.  But we’ll miss them all if we’re focused on what’s not working, and who’s to blame.  Gratitude opens our eyes to the connectedness of all things and the abundance of opportunities all around us.

Forgive Yourself and Try Again

Saturday was one of those days.  It started off nicely with a run in the woods with my dog, and I was even enjoying the long drive with my daughter to her Saturday morning class. But as the day wore on running one errand after another with now, two cranky pre-adolesents in tow, my sunny disposition began to fade. It reached a crescendo of negativity in the carpet store when both my daughters screamed at my husband and I for our carpet choice.  “Seriously Mom, flax?  You’re going to put flax carpet in our house!  It’s worse that ugly! You’re not touching my room! I’m keeping my carpet.”  etc., etc.  I’ll spare you the rest, but let’s just say the language got more colorful and spilled over to our other decorating choices…delivered at an ear-piercing decibel in the car.  I wanted to open to the car door, kick them out and leave them standing by the side of the road.

I didn’t though.  Like every other time, I breathed through it, and eventually they both calmed down and apologized to me.  However it’s moments like those where my ability to practice proactive gratitude aludes me.  How can I think of something to be grateful for at that moment? I can’t. And you know what? That’s okay. I’m not perfect.  I can, however, chose to forgive myself, see what lesson I can take from the experience, and try again.

It has been becoming clear to me recently that one daughter, in particular, reflects my shadow.  She acts out…in dramatic fashion…those places in me I refuse to accept about myself.  My healing then, comes when I can recognize those places, embrace them in me and forgive myself.  In this instance, her outburst reminded me that I have been pretty judgmental of the way in which my place of worship is decorated…really hating the color it’s painted, etc.  I don’t scream it of course. But the judgement is in me just the same.  I had the opportunity to recognize that on Saturday (after I had calmed down) embrace my judgemental thoughts, forgive myself, and then choose to be more accepting and gentler in my views.

That’s where the gratitude comes in.  I couldn’t get to this realization until I had wrapped my mind around something I was grateful for.  That day, I was soooooooo grateful that we had a babysitter coming that night and my husband and I could go out and enjoy ourselves.  I think I had never been so grateful for a babysitter!  After that huge gratitude others came easily. That’s when I was able to have the realization about the shadow.  One gratitude followed another and the rest of the weekend was wonderful.

The lesson again?  To Forgive Ourselves.  It’s okay to get caught up in a negative moment. We’re all human.  It’s just not okay to stay there. When we can, let’s bring our mind back to something for which to be grateful…anything…but make it big…really feel the gratitude. Then we can look at what lesson there may be for us in the situation…embrace it and move forward in gratitude.

Many blessings.

The Visionary Practice of Gratitude

The following is a talk I gave at Unity Center of Peace on November 14, 2010.  For those who couldn’t make it, I’m posting it here:

One very cold day last November when I went for a run in the woods with my dog.  I was deep in thought about my life.  I couldn’t understand why, with all the meditation and imaging and affirmations and prayers that there were things that were not going well…at all.  I was having tremendous challenges with one of my children.  I wondered why my business was failing.  You probably know how this goes…one negative “woe-is-me” thought follows another.  I quickly became consumed by the idea that all life is unfair and my life stunk.  I was just considering turning back, when my dog stopped and sniffed at something for what seemed like an eternity.  Irritated at the idea of being forced to stop, I grumbled something, and then suddenly…I looked up and noticed it. 

The sun had broken through the clouds and appeared to be shining directly on one tree in a grassy patch.  This tree still had its leaves which had turned golden, and in the direct sunlight it positively glowed.  I stood there in amazement.  “What beauty!  What a gift this is!”  How could I dwell on all that appeared wrong in life when this miracle stood before me?  As I began to open to gratitude for this, a wave of love and gratitude flooded me and I felt like I was floating.  I felt so one with tree and with the forest.

I started to give thanks to the universe for the beauty of this site, and then gave thanks to my dog for stopping me so that I wouldn’t miss it.  I was grateful for the whole forest and for the opportunity to run in it that morning with my dog. Well, as it happens with gratitude, one gratitude led to another and then to another, and another.  This attitude of sudden gratitude started slipping into my

thoughts about my life and, before long, I began to realize my life was pretty darned blessed.  My thoughts turned to all the prosperity, love and well-being in my life.  A blast of energy rushed through my body and I was suddenly leaping over stones and roots. 

When I got back home I felt changed…perhaps forever.  Now mystical experiences are, by their very nature…fleeting.  It takes a commitment to practice in order to incorporate what we’ve experienced so that we may be transformed…in order for it to be the transformative event it was meant to be.

Thats when I decided to create this blog.  It kept me accountable to my gratitude practice and supporting others in their practice.

And we need the support because the temptation to complain…the temptation to look at what’s missing from our lives, what’s not going well, what’s wrong with our lives is so great.  We seem to be wired for it.  And then that gets reinforced by our friends, our community, and our media….advertisers…that’s how they sell products!  They make you feel like you’re a loser, and everything in your life is wrong…unless you have their products. 

Complaining can feel pretty good to do in the moment. Particularly when we feel justified. Ohhh, it feels so good to be right…to be justified in our complaint…we can find friends who will agree with us and complain right along with us, can’t we?

And, we have our little “pet peeves” you know.  Many of us actually “love to hate something.”  We get some sort of satisfaction and thrill out of our pet peeves that becomes almost an addictive “high” when we engage in them.   “You see, I told you she would do that…ohhhh, that really gets my goat.  I hate that when she does that.” Or, “This happens to me every time. I always get in the longest damn line, or behind the slowest driver.” Etc., etc.

Oh, but this complaining…this pet peeve stuff, comes at such a high price.

First, there’s the physical. A fair amount of scientific research has been done…most notably by a psychologist and professor at the UC, Davis, Dr. Robert Emmons, who has conducted studies with…a control group, a complaining group and a intentional gratitude group…that have shown that complainers, don’t sleep as well, are less engaged in life, and suffer more depression than either the control or the gratitude group.

His study indicates that “participants in the ‘gratitude group’ felt more joyful, enthusiastic, interested, attentive, energetic, excited, determined and strong” and were more likely to “offer others more emotional support or help” than the control group.   The gratitude participants reported sleeping better, had increased positive feelings and life satisfaction, and were 25% happier overall than before they began the experiment.   He believes that the practice of intentional gratitude may even prevent depression.  Other longitudinal studies have been done that show that complainers have more heart attacks and don’t live as long as those who are grateful.

Michael Beckwith tells us:  “the Universe doesn’t know the difference between what you love and what you hate, it only knows what you’re interested in.”  The Universe only knows what’s got your attention and what you’re emotionally caught up in.  The Universe “reads” the tone of your vibration and reflects back into your world more of the same.  This is why it may seem as if you are revisiting the same painful experience over and over.

When we really look at: current circumstances are temporary. The question is…will we continue to experience these same circumstances over and over?  We certainly will if we only look at how “awful” the situation is and bemoan it.  If we never look for the blessing within the challenge, or see it from a higher perspective.  We are doomed to repeat it.

It’s when we have the courage to open our heart and our minds and trust that something wonderful is on it’s way…that this situation could be just the thing that will propel our growth into a new plateau of joy and success.

 We know that sometimes the most amazing blessings come to us out of the most challenging experiences.  We’ve all heard stories of people who’ve worked at a company for years and relied on the steady paycheck, then suddenly the rug is pulled from underneath them and they’re layed off.  Those who focus on how horrible it is, and spend their energy blaming others are doomed to repeat it, or experience anger and frustration their whole life.  Then there are those with whom…this same event occurs…and they’ve chosen to see it as a blessing. They’re grateful for it happening because they can now pursue something they’ve always wanted to do.

The same goes for relationships that end.  It feels so painful and it’s so easy to blame the other, but those who do are doomed to repeat painful relationship after painful relationship. Those who are can find a blessing it in will usually find someone much better suited to them.   Or, they simply and truly love the solitude.

The experience can also teach us about forgiveness.  We can learn to forgive ourselves, our family and our friends.  What a blessing that is. Forgiveness frees us.

But this takes work.  It takes practice. Practice makes perfect.  A joyful process! Some days are more difficult than others to find things to be grateful for.  But, that’s where the real work comes in.  That’s when we need to “refresh the screen” of our minds and take a look at where our thinking has been leading us…where our focus has been.

When we do become aware that we’ve been focusing on what’ wrong with life, we can change it.

The good news is that we have a choice about how we perceive something.   We can choose to see any experience as a curse or a blessing. Think about an experience right now that you may consider a challenge…a big challenge.  Got it? 

Now right here in this moment, we can…

1) stop, take a few deep breaths and be willing to shift into another perspective.  It all starts with a willingness.

2) You can now open yourself up to the possibility that there may be something greater behind the current circumstance.  There may, in fact, be a blessing in it. 

3) Begin to claim that this blessing is making itself known to you.  And now,

4) Consciously, proactively find things around this issue that are in fact, a blessing.  Once you’ve noticed just one thing, you will soon notice another. You will begin to notice more and more things to be grateful for.  And before you know it, your whole consciousness is full gratitudes, you feel great, and your vibration is lifted.  And it is then that you begin to attract more experiences of joy, love, prosperity and well-being.

Sarah Ban Breathnach, who wrote the wildly successful, Simple Abundance said, “Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend…when we choose NOT to focus on what is missing–but are grateful for the abundance that is present—the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on Earth.”

Consciously, actively tending the abundance garden is about practicing proactive gratitude. What is Proactive Gratitude?

So the three steps of proactive gratitude are…

1)    Actively search for things to be grateful for from the time you wake up. (check out Gratitude Mondays on this blog and on Facebook on Monday mornings.)

2)    Celebrate those things. Dance, sing, shout.  Allow yourself to enjoy it!

3)    Document it. It builds the evidence that we are cared for, that we are blessed, that we are loved.  The mind is always looking for evidence. Give it what it wants. By writing down what we are grateful for everyday, we build evidence that the Divine is present in our environment and that the universe is conspiring to support you. 

One of greatest benefits of practicing proactive gratitude is that you begin to realize that you live in a friendly universe that has created a magnificent world for you to enjoy.  You start to feel…deep down in your bones…that there is a force (whether you call it Creative Intelligence, the Infinite, God, or whatever) that loves you so much that It has given you…and continues to give you…more good than you can possibly imagine. Take it personally!  (My sunset experience)

After a while, the practice of proactive gratitude rewires the circuitry in your brain.

This is the place we want to get to in our practice of proactive gratitude.  We want to “know it in our bones.”   The Universe responds to our self-contemplation and intention.  When you feel that your life is blessed, and you are loved, then naturally you begin to feel worthy.  “Wow, I must be a pretty special person, I must be so beloved to have all these wonderful blessings given to me every day.  Hey, I must actually be worth it!” This is how we “sneak up on our worthiness.” 

This is a much more effective way to begin to accept our true worth then repeating positive affirmations to yourself all day…much more.  Positive affirmations are great, don’t get me wrong.  They have a place in our spiritual practice. But practicing proactive gratitude actually shifts the energy around our beliefs in our worthiness.

Rev. Michael Beckwith tell us : “You are to be grateful for everything in your life…not just the good stuff…but EVERYTHING.”   When I first heard that I thought, he must be speaking metaphorically or something   No, he actually meant everything. 

It’s easy to be grateful for the beautiful fall colors or a good meal or our spouse when there are loving or our health when we’ve got it, but not easy when things are not going our way!

But there is a deeper level on which we can take this message.  Beckwith went on to say that, “when we are grateful for everything, we are literally lifting our vibration…lifting it out of the realm of dense, physical form…out of the realm of ‘effect’ and into the vibration of ’cause’.”  

Okay, if we accept that everything is energy, and all things vibrate at a certain vibration…and that like vibration attracts that which is like itself…then this begins to make sense. 

Our experiences are, in fact, the ”effects” in our life.  It’s not who we are. Who we are is far greater than the experiences and circumstances of our life.  You are an expression of Life itself..of the Divine.  When you focus on this…you can be thankful for your life. When you are thankful for your life, you begin to feel better about yourself and about life in general. 

When you feel better about your life, your mind becomes clearer. You can begin to see solutions to certain challenges. You begin to get ideas about how you can change things. You  can also feel more compassion for myself and others.  You can love yourself more.  All of this lifts your vibration into the realm of “cause” from which all experience flows.  And the experiences that flow from this vibration are blessed indeed!

David Owen Ritz who created the Keys to the Kingdom class says, “When you feel a deep sense of gratitude, you are not just saying “thank you” to life for blessings you. You are actually focusing your creative energy and bringing it to bear on your life.”

In the book, The Science of Getting Rich, author Wallace Wattles devotes an entire chapter on gratitude because it’s essential in increasing prosperity.  He says, “Our gratitude liberates an energy within us that immediately expands into the formless substance, where it is instantly returned to us in kind.”

What does this mean to us? It means that we can be grateful in advance!  And the gratitude touches formless substance and creates future experiences.

Deepak Chopra is always talking about “the field of infinite possibilities.”   In Quantum Physics they tell us that the appearance of a subatomic particle depends upon your viewpoint…it’s a wave or it’s a particle…depends on the scientist viewpoint…the observers viewpoint.  The subatomic particles become whatever we expect them to be…

Am I a victim of circumstance or am I blessed beyond measure?  The little particles are forming themselves around your viewpoint.  If you start with the assumption that you are blessed, that an abundance of good is there for you now and will always be there for you…and your future is bright and limitless, you are choosing how those little particles going to form.  If you trust that you are Divinely guided to do whatever you need to do in the process, then that’s how the particles are forming.

If we can get to a place where we can be grateful that your vision is already complete in the mind of God…that, it is, in fact, already done…then the actual manifestation is just the details.

Ernest Holmes, a pioneer in the field of Law of Attraction, wrote in his masterwork, The Science of Mind, “Faith looks to the invisible, and instead of seeing a void, fastens it’s gaze on a solid reality.”

Gratitude Experiment: Day 55

One of the most powerful things that gratitude does for us…is that it opens our hearts.  When we practice proactive gratitude we open ourselves to experience more love:  more love for things and experiences in our lives, more love for others, more love for our planet and more love for ourselves.  Experiencing more love in all these areas of what life is about. It’s where we want to be. It’s who we want to be.  It’s our essential nature.  It’s an attractive energy that draws more and more good toward us.  It is also where some of us get stuck. 

Why do we get stuck? Why wouldn’t we want to experience more love in all of these areas?  Ah, why indeed?  I think it’s because most of us have, through painful experiences in our past, built walls around our heart.  We don’t want to leave our heart’s too open…we’ll be too vulnerable.  We might experience that pain again.  Uh oh. That pain of rejection, or disappointment, or events that don’t seem to make any sense. And so we’ve built up a defensive border as a precaution.  To protect ourselves.

Somewhere a little voice inside says, “you can practice gratitude and open up to love…but only up to a point. Don’t go too far.  Don’t leave yourself vulnerable.”  This is below the level of our conscious mind, of course.  That voice doesn’t really want you to hear it, or you might see what it’s doing and attack it with reason.  And so what it does is…causes us to lose our focus on gratitude little by little.  We kinda forget to practice gratitude one day, and then the next, and then suddenly it’s gone and it didn’t seem that important anyway.  Our minds and hearts fill back up with judgment and resentment and noticing what’s wrong with our life.  Suddenly we’re miserable again and we don’t know what happened.

Now that you know, you have a choice. Are you going to let that little voice prevent you from experiencing the life you really want to live…a life of love and joy, attracting more prosperity and success?  Or, are you going to stand up and say, “Hey, wait a minute.  Love is my essential nature. Love feels good.  Yes, I may experience rejection or disappointment. So what?  There is so much good in the world, there is so much possibility and opportunity around me, I can attract more.  But I won’t if my heart is closed. So, I’m choosing to keep my heart open. I’m choosing to practice gratitude on a daily basis and allow it to open my heart even further.”

It’s your choice. You are in charge.  Don’t let that little voice divert you from your commitment.  And you know you can always get support for your practice here at The Gratitude Experiment.  Bookmark this site.  Click the RSS Feed button. Check in everyday and get inspired to practice more gratitude and experience more love everyday.



I am grateful for the skylights that are being put in today…how wonderful to have all that light!  How beautiful the sky is!

I am grateful for my immune system and how healthy I’ve been for quite awhile.

I am grateful for new opportunities to express more of my talents.

I am grateful for loving support from the members of PT.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 28

More on the “End-of-Year List”…

We know that the recognition, celebration and documentation of 5 things we are grateful for on a daily basis creates an energy that attracts more blessings into our lives…at least that’s what the Gratitude Experiment is out to prove.  Well then, what will happen when we commit to recognizing, celebrating and documenting a list of 100 things for which to be grateful in this past year? 


I’m thinking it will create a tremendous amount of energy which we will carry into the New Year, creating an opening for our blessings to multiply exponentially. 

It will also cause us to understand…on a very deep level…that our lives are blessed and the Universe is for us.  And, when we understand that, there is no stopping the good that will rush to us. Why?  Because our acceptance of it allows us to receive it…and receive it abundantly.

I also recommend making a list of 100 accomplishments for the year…large and small. Where have you stepped out in faith? Where have you taken a deep breath and regained your composure?  Where have you done something that was difficult…where your fear was trying to hold you back…but you did it anyway?  Where have you made a decision to overlook someone else’s flaws…or your own? Where have you made a decision to be more loving and less judgemental? Where have you grown in any way this year?

This exercise ensures that you own your power.  You begin to realize how terrific you really are. You begin to realize that you are always growing…always expressing a little bit more of your authentic self every year.

These two exercises together…done at the end of the year…will create more blessings than you can even imagine right now.  So, do not delay. Get out your journal or your pad of paper now and start the process of abundance multiplication!

And, let me know how it goes for you.  What was the exercise like for you?  Are you beginning to see good manifest in unexpected ways already?  Share it with us!

Many blessings,

My gratitudes…

I am grateful for a loving, supportive coach that understands, and is willing to work with, my daughter.

I am grateful for second chances and amazing synchronicity.

I am grateful for the heat in my home.

I am grateful for the increase of love in my heart and in my life.

How The Gratitude Experiment Works

WaterfallWelcome to The Gratitude Experiment!  We are out to prove the theory that recognizing and documenting 1 to 5 things for which we are grateful…daily…will transform our lives — massively attracting more good into our daily experience.

Here’s all you need to do.  Come to the site daily (bookmark us for easy access), look at the daily post (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) and click on the “Comment” button.  Post your list of gratitudes there in the comment section.  You can read others there as well.

You can begin at any time, any day.  Just begin it…and watch what unfolds in your life!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 9

I am grateful for my morning which just flowed so easily, effortlessly and joyously.  From parking right in front, to no waiting for my appointment, to happy, loving people all around me, to having a coffee kiosk right there, right after I realized I could use a  cup o’ joe….life flowed from one effortless, joyous moment to the next.  I am so grateful for that experience and I caught a glimpse that this is how life is supposed to be when we are in the flow of gratitude for everything around us…when our hearts are open and we’re open to receiving the good!

I am also deeply grateful that the doctor who reminded me that it is now almost three years out after my cancer diagnosis and all is well.  And I am eternally grateful for the fact that the radiologist caught it so very early…before it had a chance to spread…that it needed minimal treatment to remove it and just get on with my life.  I am so very grateful!

Gratitude Experiment: How Does It Work?

One of the ways in which gratitude increases more experiences of good for us is that it very gently opens us up to receive. How? After a few days or weeks of being on the lookout for the good that is already in our lives…and praising that good…it begins to occur to us that we live in a friendly universe filled with blessings.  And, more importantly, that we are meant to enjoy all those blessings…that it is, in fact, personal. In this way we begin to slowly open to the idea that we’re worthy of a loving, joyous and prosperous life.

It’s as if our true worthiness were sneaking up on us. And sometimes it needs to because, not feeling worthy…and therefore not accepting good…can be a tough thing for some of us to shift.  We can’t force the shift.  Sneaky is good in the case :-)

Daily proactive gratitude is quite effective at opening us up to receive more good.  So stay with it, post your gratitudes daily, and witness as you open up to receive more good.