Can the Practice of Gratitude Make us Wealthy?

Well, I don’t know if we can become wealthy by simply practicing gratitude. But I do know that the practice of proactive gratitude can heal our relationship with money and can increase our experience of prosperity in all areas including financial.

Here’s how it works.  First, be grateful for every dollar that comes in.  A consciousness of gratitude in regards to our income helps us to see that money is Divine energy in motion. We begin to see the amount – no matter how small it may be – as evidence of substance rather than a symbol of lack.  By allowing a feeling our gratitude to fill our consciousness we understanding that behind that substance we see with our eyes, lies ever-present, limitless, all-providing good.  Our gratitude opens us up to receive more.

Secondly, when we exchange that money for goods and services by paying our bills, we can express our gratitude once again.  How blessed we are to be able to afford a roof over our head, food in our bellies, and heat in our homes (not to mention all the extras like computers and cars and iPhones, that the majority of the world’s population will never know.)

After practicing this for a while you will begin to develop an awareness that earning an income, buying goods and services and perhaps sharing our good with others is participating in a Divine positive energy exchange.  We feel like active participants in this positive energy exchange and we begin to activate the law of circulation in our lives – opening the floodgates for more good to flow into our lives.

Try this and prove it to yourself.  You will witness your relationship with money transform and your experience of prosperity increase!

Really Nice Things Friends Have Said…

I asked some good friends of mine to comment on my Manifest Your Desires Program and here’s what they said…

“As an author and coach myself, I can tell you that Victoria’s program is absolutely transformational. She’s a master manifestor and knows the secrets for manifesting your heart’s desires. I’ve known her for over ten years, and she’s the real deal!” –Chellie Campbell, author of  The Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire.

“Victoria’s program is beautifully transformational. She’s a master at identifying and eliminating negative core beliefs — with the most beautiful life and personal experience to back up what she teaches. Through this program, Victoria will be your spiritual mentor in your path to peace and abundance.” -Linda Sivertsen, NYT best-selling co-author of Harmonic Wealth

Gotta love friends like this.  They both are amazing women themselves and have terrific programs of their own. Check out Chellie’s website for her Wealthy Spirit newsletter, and Dophin Club.  And Linda’s site, http://www.dreamitgreen.comfor all her cool environmental awareness and workshops on how to get published.